Spread over three weeks, Netflix introduces us to a new host and LGBTQ+ cast for the spin off series, The Ultimatum: Queer Love.
Author: Jordan Lyon
Victim/Suspect highlights how sexual assault victims are falsely accussed of lying, the result is a documenary that is difficult to watch
Whilst the content may be bleak, there are plenty of reasons to enjoy the Spanish mini series Muted that stars Arón Piper and airs on Netflix
Sci-Fi series Foundation releases a teaser video ahead of the announcement that the second series will air in the summer
Surrounded will stream worldwide on MGM following a successful premiere at the Sun Valley Film Festival earlier in the year
Streaming service Netflix announces a list of the new movies that will be released during the summer of 2023 – from actions to comedies
The Fire That Took Her, a hard-hitting documentary from MTV documentary will air exclusively on Paramount+on Tuesday, 23rd May 2023.
Hollywood Dreams and Nightmares, a documentary centered on Robert Englund, to air on Screambox before being available on Blu-ray on July 25th, 2023