Invest in independent media!
But Why Tho? is an independent media outlet driven by the power of community. Our goal is to create a more inclusive and informed space for pop culture criticism.
Why Donate?
Amplify Diverse Voices
At But Why Tho? we are committed to amplifying the voices of marginalized communities, providing them with a platform to share their stories, experiences, and insights into pop culture. By supporting us, you directly contribute to preserving diverse perspectives in media.
Cultivate a Space for Pop Culture Criticism
But Why Tho? is more than just a website; it’s a community. Over five years, we have fostered an inclusive environment where people can engage in meaningful conversations and exchange ideas. By donating, you support the maintenance of our platform, ensuring that it remains a safe space for dialogue where diverse opinions are valued and respected.
Support Independent Media
In a shrinking media landscape due to capitalist greed, independent media plays a crucial role in providing a strong cultural critique of the media we watch, play, and read. Our team strives to bring you dig deeper into pop culture, whether through essays, reviews, or creator and developer interviews.
As an independent media outlet, we rely on the generosity of our readers and supporters to keep the lights on. By donating, you help us maintain our autonomy and ensure that we remain VC-free. This independence allows us to prioritize people first.