The double-suicide leader Osamu and his duo of adventurers are back in No Longer Allowed In Another World Episode 3, with the two females of the world of Zauberberg dragging Osamu in his coffin carriage. Comically, they stop and Osamu lights a cigarette to ask, “Is it time to eat?” Annette and Tama discuss the directions of where to bring Osamu next.
Throughout their discussion, Annette introduces her familiar—which is like a little black version of Patamon from the Digimon series. The whole light-hearted conversation becomes more serious when a mysterious female figure appears to calm down a random dragon. The mystery woman immediately becomes a threat to the main party as she says she kills all Other Worlders when Annette blurts out Osamu’s identity.
No Longer Allowed In Another World Episode 3 really shows more of the serious side of things for Osamu and his crew. Annette and Tama get clapped by this new character, only to learn that she may be the Wrathful Dark Lord named Waldelia. Osamu tries to stand up for his companions, only to have Weldelia shove her arm through his chest. As a classic anime trope, Osamu is still able to talk with a hole in his chest somehow, and he explains his adoration for Waldelia’s sadness—cupping her face in his palm.
Annette’s familiar brings the knocked-out party to the Zweiten Temple via magic carpet, introducing a cleric dressed similarly to Annette. While the scene quickly changes, the story picks up with Osamu and Tama buying a bottle of poison at a local market—showing that the party recovered.
In the background, Annette thanks the cleric woman named Ysha for saving their lives. Annette asks Ysha if she had seen Sachaan come to their world, but to no avail. Ysha drops some important exposition about how Other Worlders have “Gifts” specifically designed to be overpowered to take on the Dark Lord—almost like a Harry Potter prophecy.
The two elves are randomly interrupted by some next-level stereotype I couldn’t quite describe; he calls himself Kotaro the Other Worlder—wearing a huge gold chain with a dollar sign and wearing overalls. The two women try to ignore him, but he keeps interrupting their conversation, forcing them to punch and knockout this side character!
Interestingly, Annette tells Ysha that Osamu doesn’t have a gift, which is not common for an Other Worlder. Later, Annette deduces that the Dark Lord is not Weldelia since news broke that the Dark Lord was defeated seven days prior. A lot of the world-building in No Longer Allowed In Another World Episode 3 brings the interest back here for audiences. While the show appears to be funny at times, this episode proves that it wants to tell a smartly written story, too.
Back in the trio’s temporary lodging, Tama questions what Osamu’s purpose is for being transported to Zauberberg without a Dark Lord to defeat. In his own brain space, Osamu reveals he began writing again, inspired by his meeting with Weldelia—as he chomps away at his sleeping pills again! The next scene has the concerned Annette and Tama buying Osamu some ridiculously huge armor so he doesn’t get stabbed again. It literally looks inspired by the Bull-Goat Armor Set in Elden Ring!
Ysha and Osamu’s first conversation alone in the streets becomes a little hostile, as she believes Osamu has tainted Annette’s pure, kind heart. Their conversation is quickly interrupted by Kotaro introducing a new Other Worlder named Lord Suzuki, who rides into the frame with blue-and-white armor riding a matching-colored giant wolf-like creature. He’s definitely giving off some Water Tribe colors from Avatar: The Last Airbender, but he looks like a budget Sanji from One Piece.
Lord Suzuki is immediately problematic as he announces that Other Worlders will now rule over Zauberberg since they slay Dark Lord. He claims the town of Veil (Osamu and the others are in) as his now. The episode ends with Kotaro snitching that Annette hurt him and should be punished. The cliffhanger shows Lord Suzuki walking up to her and saying, “Such a bad girl. Be a good girl.” Yuck! Again, such a purely misogynistic line delivered in a smarmy, well-voice-acted way.
No Longer Allowed In Another World Episode 3 is by far one of the most interesting episodes from the last two, as viewers learn more about the world history and lore behind Other Worlders.
No Longer Allowed In Another World Episode 3 is streaming now on Crunchyroll.