Percy Jackson Episode 5, “A God Buys Us Cheeseburgers,” directed by Jet Wilkinson and written by Rick Riordan and Jonathan E. Steinberg, follows a lackluster end to the first half of the season. Percy’s (Walter Scobell) evolving understanding of his demigod abilities takes center stage as the trio’s quest continues. With a little help from Adam Copeland, aka pro-wrestling’s Edge, making a guest appearance, this week’s episode promises to rejuvenate the season’s initial momentum.
After Percy’s daring sacrifice at the end of last week’s episode, the group sees a glimmer of hope. Percy is alive, Annabeth (Leah Jeffries) is more open, and Percy trusts Poseidon for help. Yet, their journey still faces challenges, including another divine intervention that endangers a trio member. Whether the threat comes from godlike beings or authorities pursuing Percy for his mother’s disappearance remains uncertain. Despite their history of overcoming peril this season, tensions heighten over the realization that this time, the threads of fate play a pivotal role.
The season consistently explores the gods’ vainness and warlike nature, paralleled by the theme of trust. This prompts a crucial question: Are Percy and his fellow demigods, like the gods of Olympus, prone to the same vanity and wrath? While Percy’s trust in Annabeth and Grover (Aryan Simhadri) has solidified, he still grapples with trust issues fueled by deception and stories from his mother about the Greek gods. This dilemma makes itself known yet again when Ares (Adam Copeland) assigns them a quest, promising assistance in overcoming the police interference hindering their journey.
While there isn’t an exciting action set piece, Percy Jackson Episode 5 maintains the season’s strength. There are good individual moments for each trio member to shine throughout the episode. Percy and Annabeth embark on a mission for Ares, deepening their bond and the trust Percy places in Annabeth. While her no-nonsense approach initially earned his trust for the quest, it becomes evident that their connection may evolve beyond friendship. Annabeth’s intelligence guides them through the quest, showcasing her wisdom is as much a part of her character as her fighting ability. Simultaneously, Grover, leveraging Ares’ ego, seeks information about the true identity of the lightning thief.
Further, Percy Jackson Episode 5 maintains its blend of modern-day and ancient Greek myth for both comedic and poignant effects, portraying the tragic dynamics of the Olympus gods. This is most impactful, thanks to the casting of pro-wrestling superstar Adam Copeland. The consistent inclusion of star-studded actors alongside the young trio showcases the remarkable acting skills of the youthful cast. Notably, Walker Scobell stands out, effortlessly navigating both comedic and serious moments with equal skill. He’s consistently elevating every scene he is in.
Having witnessed the gods’ cruelty firsthand and the history that comes with it, the quest’s tone changes. Now, it is not about merely completing the quest but doing so without losing their sense of self in the face of their family lineage. This shift affects not only Percy but also Annabeth, who, once an admirer of Athena, now seeks to forge her own path. While a typical family drama may result in awkward holiday dinners for most, for the Greek gods, it could lead to the world’s destruction and an ongoing cycle of pain, misery, and betrayal. Percy Jackson Episode 5 firmly places our trio on a determined path to prevent that from happening.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians Episode 5 puts the season back on track. The series does best when it focuses on either strong character moments alongside world-building or a grand action set piece, not both in the same sub-hour runtime. The episode’s emphasis on the trio’s collective mindset and hearts paid off, creating a clear shift in all three heroes. Even with one of the greatest pro wrestlers of all time playing the god of war, the lack of action allowed the characters to continue growing without the pressure of impending threats. Now, the connections feel stronger than ever for our heroes. The stakes are raised for the next inevitable conflict with the gods.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians Episode 5 is streaming now, exclusively on Disney+, with new episodes every Tuesday.
Percy Jackson And The Olympians Episode 5 — “A God Buys Us Cheeseburgers”
Percy Jackson and the Olympians Episode 5 puts the season back on track. The series does best when it focuses on either strong character moments alongside world-building or a grand action set piece, not both in the same sub-hour runtime.