Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End Episode 27 sees the last test of the First Class Mage Exam take the form of an interview with Serie.
Search Results: chainsaw man (192)
With Hell’s Paradise Episode 5, MAPPA manages to tackle some larger character beats while still feeling action-packed.
Evil Dead Rise is a passing of the chainsaw to a new generation; we talk with Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell about the latest Evil Dead film.
The Tale of Outcasts Episode 4 brings new tension to the series as Marbas and Wisteria run into Lady Blackbell at a crucial moment.
It’s been a great year for manga, we round up the top manga of 2022 across genre and demographic, with romance, action, and more.
We talked to Park Chan-wook about his mastery of romance, implicit intimacy, and how he blended noir and romance in Decision to Leave.
Though my career path has journeyed away from bookselling, I’ll forever be grateful for the time I spent working with and around manga.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022), David Blue Garcia, is a direct sequel to the 1974 original and brings back the iconic slasher.