Jo Yoonsu stars as skilled infiltrator Chae Jagyeong in the upcoming K-Drama coming to Disney+, The Tyrant. When someone steals a game-changing bioenhancer during a secret handover between Korean and US intelligence agencies, both governments will race to recover it. The series promises high stakes with a stacked cast sure to deliver strong, gripping performances.
The intense drama is the latest in a long line of Korean titles making their way to the streaming service. Previous popular series include the super-powered Moving, the detective story The Worst of Evil, and the award-winning Big Bet. K-Dramas have been on the rise globally for years now. That said, there’s no denying that Disney is putting greater stakes into the medium following their mounting popularity.
The Tyrant, created by Park Hoonjung, is just the latest in the commitment to shining a light on international stories. The drama is aiming to take viewers by storm.
What is The Tyrant About
After years of toiling away on a secret project designed to drastically enhance human abilities, the Korean government’s plan is exposed by U.S. intelligence agencies. Furious about being kept in the dark, the U.S. demands all samples be handed over and the project be immediately shutdown. But when an unknown party attacks the covert handover, agents from both sides have to work together to avoid the dangerous new formula falling into the wrong hands.
Cast and Crew
- Jo Yoonsu (True Beauty, Juvenile Justice)
- Cha Seoungwon (Our Blues, A Korean Odyssey)
- Kim Seonho (Start-Up, Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha)
- Kim Kangwoo (Le Grand Chef, Goodbye Mr. Black)
Director and Writer: Park Hoonjung (New World, The Witch: Part 1 & 2).
Where To Watch
The Tyrant will make its global debut in 2024 exclusively to Disney+ internationally and Hulu in the United States.