Following its triumphant first season, the Emmy Award-winning animated Netflix series Arcane Season 2 is returning in November 2024. Season one received four Primetime Emmy Awards, including Outstanding Animated Program, Outstanding Individual Achievement in Animation – Color, Outstanding Individual Achievement in Animation – Background Design, and Outstanding Individual Achievement in Animation – Production Design. From Riot Games, the animated series produced by French animation studio Fortiche is set in the world of League of Legends.
Our critic praised the series and the creator’s ability to bring the “larger-than-life” story to life, writing:
“Arcane does a fantastic job of introducing new fans to Runeterra while letting old ones get to experience a deeper dive into the world they have spent so much time with.”
Season one aired in 2021, meaning that fans have waited a while for the return of some of these characters. This wait is further impacted by the climatic moment the series left us on with Jinx making a major decision that changes the course of her trajectory. With a blend of animation styles and strong worldbuilding, the series amassed a strong group of followers — both fans from the original game and newcomers alike. As Netflix continues to push the boundaries of it’s animation Arcane’s popularity remains unchanged.
What is Arcane About?
Amidst the escalating unrest between the rich, utopian city of Piltover and its seedy, oppressed underbelly of Zaun, sisters Vi and Jinx find themselves on opposing sides of a brewing conflict over clashing convictions and arcane technologies.
Arcane Cast and Crew
- Hailee Steinfeld (Hawkeye)
- Ella Purnell (Yellowjackets)
- Katie Leung (Wheel of Time)
Additional voice cast will be announced at a later date.
Creators: Christian Linke, Alex Yee
Executive Producers: Christian Linke, Marc Merrill, Brandon Beck
What is the Arcane Season 2 Release Date?
Arcane Season 2 premieres November 2024 on Netflix.