The Tiger’s Apprentice is the latest animated film from Paramount Animation and Jane Startz Productions. Paramount Animation has produced a variety of eclectic animated films, from Anomalisa and The Little Prince to The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run. The Tiger’s Apprentice, a family geared fantasy film based on the 2003 novel of the same name by Laurence Yep, is a fitting latest installment. The film premieres on Paramount+ on February 2nd and has a star-studded voice cast.
What is The Tiger’s Apprentice About?
Based on the popular children’s book series of the same name by Laurence Yep, The Tiger’s Apprentice follows Chinese-American teenager Tom Lee (Soo Hoo), whose life changes forever when he discovers he is part of a long lineage of magical protectors known as the Guardians. With guidance from a mythical tiger named Hu (Golding), Tom trains to take on Loo (Yeoh), a force that is as powerful as a Guardian but with evil intentions to use magic to destroy humanity. To have a fighting chance against Loo, Tom must reunite all twelve Zodiac animal warriors and master his own newly discovered powers.
The Tiger’s Apprentice Cast & Crew
- Brandon Soo Hoo (Mech Cadets)
- Henry Golding
- Lucy Liu
- Sandra Oh
- Michelle Yeoh
- Bowen Yang
- Leah Lewis (Elemental)
- Kheng Hua Tan (Crazy Rich Asians)
- Sherry Cola (Joy Ride)
- Deborah S. Craig (Meet Cute)
- Jo Koy (The Monkey King)
- Greta Lee
- Diana Lee Inosanto (The Mandalorian)
- Patrick Gallagher (Night at the Museum)
- Poppy Liu (The Afterparty)
Directors: Raman Hui and co-directed by Paul Watling and Yong Duk Jhun
Writers: David Magee and Christopher Yost, based on the novel by Laurence Yep
Producers: Jane Startz, p.g.a., Sandra Rabins, p.g.a., Bob Persichetti, p.g.a.
When Does It Release?
Streaming exclusively February 2 on Paramount+