The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess is a very popular Japanese light novel series that was written by Kotei Kobayashi originally and illustrated by Riichu. This work won the award of excellence at the GA Bunko Grand Prix. The character, VillhazeIt, has been very active on the official Twitter. Now here is the exciting news!
The TV Anime, The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess, will be broadcasted in October 2023! It’s the first PV with many new characters, including Sakuna Memoir, Nelia Cunningham, and Karla Amatsu.
Terakomari Gandesblood is the daughter of the prestigious Gandesblood family in the Mulnite Imperial.
She has been living as a shut-in for three years since she suffered from a lack of skills in handling magic, the incapability of physical exercise, and not being able to get taller. She can’t even drink blood even though she is a vampire. But her loving father found a crazy job for her. She was appointed the new commander of the Mulnite Imperial Army’s 7th Unit of ruffians and criminals. The name of the title is “Shichiguten”!
It is the only job for a strong candidate who has to start a war against other countries every 3 months and beat them. It is a very demanding job, and her army members are all former criminals, and they are so ready to rebel against her.
Author of the original work: Kotei Kobayashi(GA Bunko/SB Creative published)
Character Design: Riichu
Producer:Tatsuma Minamikawa
Series Structure:Keiichiro Ochi
Character Design: Tomoyuki Shimoya
Music: Go Shiina
Animation production: Project No.9
Terakomari Gandesblood:Tomori Kusunoki
Villhaze:Sayumi Suzushiro
Sakuna Memoir:Manaka Iwami
Nelia Cunningham: Fairouz Ai
Karla Amatsu: Miyuri Shimabukuro
Karen Helvetius: Yoko Hikasa