With the announcement of the new middle-aged idol group Eternal Boys made, it’s time to get to work. Dancing, singing, and more are required if this ragtag group of guys is going to become idols. But as the lessons pick up Kentaro is faced with the possibility that he may not be able to make the grade in Eternal Boys Episodes 3-4.
When we see professional performers up there singing and dancing it looks so easy. The coordination, rhythm, and energy needed just feel like it is simply a part of who they are. It’s easy to forget just how much hard work it takes to not only reach that level of skill but also to maintain it. And those pros are generally teens to twenty-somethings. Starting from scratch in your forties to obtain those lofty heights adds a whole new degree of difficulty to the journey, as our protagonists come to realize.
The struggle to get in shape and become the dancing, singing, and charming idols they need to be is the focus of Eternal Boys Episodes 3-4. The show does a good job of highlighting how much work goes into learning the many skills a performer requires, as well as beginning to delve into some of the personality struggles that crop up when people are forced to work in close quarters together and how that can further complicate the situation. Although, the fact that the series gives these newbie performers only two weeks to prepare before shooting their first video feels a little ridiculous. It would’ve helped the plot a little if they could’ve at least given them a couple of months. The added time would’ve helped the show sell its premise a little more.
But even as all the guys struggle to learn their moves, Kentaro is falling behind more than the rest. It is soon pointed out that Kentaro never really wanted to be an idol, he just signed on because he needed the paycheck. This lack of drive is soon framed as the weight that is holding him back. I liked how Eternal Boys Episodes 3-4 explores this concept, showing that there is a lot more to the arts than simply needing money. Every artistic discipline requires desire, and lacking that can be a definite hurdle that I don’t know how someone overcomes.
As Kentaro struggles with his place on the team, Eternal Boys Episodes 3-4 utilizes his moment to not only grow his character but also help showcase the personalities of his fellow idol group members. Their feelings about Kentaro’s struggles each in turn do a fair amount of work in building out those personalities. The visuals also do a solid job of delivering the characters’ emotions, while never going overboard with them.
Eternal Boys Episodes 3-4 deliver an enjoyable pair of episodes that explores the struggles of adapting to new skills and how truly daunting it can be. It uses the scenario to build up its cast as they begin to grow together into a group.
Eternal Boys Episodes 3-4 are streaming now on HIDIVE.
Eternal Boys Episodes 3-4
Eternal Boys Episodes 3-4 deliver an enjoyable pair of episodes that explores the struggles of adapting to new skills and how truly daunting it can be. It uses the scenario to build up its cast as they begin to grow together into a group.