To Your Eternity is a shonen adventure anime produced by Drive. Having arrived at the home city of Bonchien Nicoli La Tasty Peach Uralis, Fushi finds himself the center of attention, though not all of it is good. Unsure of his place in this city, and the constant threat of a Nokker attack, Fushi decides to depart for greener pastures. But his entourage will be growing as Bonchien plans to accompany him. Who is Bonchien and what is his connection to Fushi are questions we get the answers to in To Your Eternity Season 2 Episode 4.
On top of the other struggles this season has been contending with, this episode adds a new disjointed feeling to overcome. Having just arrived at their current location, Fushi is heading out again, with nothing of real importance being accomplished. Which leaves me begging the question, what was even the point? To throw out more names and places to add to the growing litany of elements this season is trekking through? If I didn’t know better, I’d think the show was stalling for time while it tried to come up with what the next real plot point will be.
While preparing for their departure, To Your Eternity Season 2 Episode 4 sees Fushi begin to explore the concepts of love and who can love who. Questions of sexual orientation and what is the norm are brushed over here, setting up deeper issues to come. With Fushi’s fluid nature I can see the potential for some truly deep exploration of this topic in the future, provided the writing handles it properly.
The big focus of this episode though falls squarely on Bonchien Nicoli La Tasty Peach Uralis. After a rather jarring cut, we are taken back in time to learn about his upbringing, get some of his more esoteric behaviors explained, as well as learn how he was able to identify Fushi despite his traveling in Parona’s form. Much of the raw information we get in this extended flashback sequence is interesting, but my ability to enjoy the moment is held back by Bonchien himself.
While I felt his personality a bit too abrasive in his premier last week, To Your Eternity Season 2 Episode 4 doubles down on the over-the-top energy of the character. While much of his core is charming, and he seems to be a genuinely giving person, his moment-to-moment mannerisms hinder the appreciation of the character. His frequent tantrums and inability to process what others around him are saying make him far more of a detraction to the story so far than anything else.
The visual side of the show delivers everything the story brings, for better or worse. It manages to work some new story elements into the world in a way that feels cohesive with what has come before in a way that helps make the world feel like a unified whole.
When all is said and done, To Your Eternity Season 2 Episode 4 continues to struggle this season. With its seeming lack of focus and subpar supporting elements, this season feels like it is falling further and further away from the high bar of its predecessor.
To Your Eternity Season 2 Episode 4 is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
To Your Eternity Season 2 Episode 4
To Your Eternity Season 2 Episode 4 continues to struggle this season. With its seeming lack of focus and subpar supporting elements, this season feels like it is falling further and further away from the high bar of its predecessor.