Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie is a romantic comedy anime produced by Doga Koba. With exams done and summer here, the gang is off to the river for their planned day of sun and fun. But along with the laughs, there is sure to be trouble. Luckily, Yuu is looking out for those around him, and Shikimori is always looking out for Yuu in Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 5.
With the earliest episodes of this series delivering its title protagonist in a light that made her stand out as nearly flawless, Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 5 does the character a great service by allowing her to be incapable of something. As it turns out, Shikimori isn’t a great cook. Nor even an adequate one.
This revelation, which occurs while the group enjoys a barbeque by the river, is worked to add depth to both Shikimori and Yuu. This stumble on her part gives Yuu the rare opportunity to come to her rescue. How their relationship is allowed to benefit both of them is always a welcome addition to any of the show’s narratives. Without them, Yuu, no matter how kindhearted he is, would quickly come to feel parasitic.
Happily, Yuu’s graciousness where his girlfriend’s cooking is concerned isn’t the only place where the character gets to shine in Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 5. Just as the young man is about to join the others for a swim, he spots a child caught up by the current and swept downstream. Yuu immediately springs into action to save the child. While this rescue isn’t without its stumbles, it highlights just how wonderful of a person Yuu is.
But even beyond showing his quality, Yuu’s rescue, despite how rocky it gets by the end, feels far more impressive than the many times Shikimori has saved him. Why is that, you might ask? It is because of how much Yuu struggles with his heroism that makes it more impressive than Shikimori’s. When you know you are as physically adept as Shikimori is, pulling someone from danger, while still praise-worthy, feels less intimidating. The show has crafted its heroine in such a light that it seems unbelievable that anything could harm Shikimori. It feels unlikely that the character herself wouldn’t also come to similar conclusions.
On the other hand, Yuu has been cast in such a light that the moment he went into the river to help this stranger, he could all but assume something life-threatening would happen to him. Despite this certainty, he goes into the situation without hesitation.
Surrounding the bold rescues and gracious understanding that stands out in Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 5 is a generous helping of the group’s comedic misadventures. From their time at the river to wandering in a nearby shopping district, the episode keeps the laughter and upbeat energy of the group in constant focus.
The visuals keep up with the story superbly well. Every element of the story is helped through the animation’s delivery of the moments. But my favorite visual moments have to be when Shikimori flirts with Yuu. The girl’s teasing comments and smoldering look’s at her embarrassed boyfriend land with perfect delivery.
When all is said and done, Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 5 delivers another great story. It balances the show’s signature humor and charm with moments of growth for its characters to create something that is both entertaining and thought-provoking.
Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 5 is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
Shikimori's Not Just A Cutie Episode 5
When all is said and done, Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 5 delivers another great story. It balances the show’s signature humor and charm with moments of growth for its characters to create something that is both entertaining and thought-provoking.