Platinum End is a dark fantasy shonen anime produced by Signal.MD. Catching their breath after their recent battle with Metropoliman, the group hopes to identify their opponent thanks to the glimpse Mirai got of Metropoliman’s face. But while they continue to search for the identity of their opponent, Saki has something to discuss with Mirai in Platinum End Episode 8.
Of the main characters Platinum End has introduced viewers to thus far, Saki has been the most reclusive. Her personality shrouds itself in a layer of reserve that rarely gets pierced. Platinum End Episode 8 focuses its narrative on the young woman and why she struggles within the group’s dynamic. As you have probably guessed already, the truth is painful. But what isn’t in this show?
With the series’ heavy emphasis on themes like suicide, torture, and abuse, a viewer could be forgiven for thinking the hardest punches the show could throw at them have already come and gone. However, this episode’s exploration of Saki and her connections to Mirai brings a pain that is far more poignant than previous moments, despite its lack of shocking visuals. Rather than screams and terror, Platinum End Episode 8 smacks the viewer with its emotional weight through the whispers and choked admissions of Saki’s strained voice as Mirai listens to her confession.
Equally impactful to what Saki tells Mirai is the situation she creates to talk to him in. Needing to create a situation so awkward she is forced to explain, Saki puts both her and Mirai into the best spot I can think of to force a talk.
This sense of entrapment within the moment is masterfully enhanced by the camera work. I’d have to guess at least half of the shorts of the two characters during this sequence are close-ups of just their eyes. Even when the camera goes further out you rarely see more than a foot of space that is occupied by the subjects. This tight atmosphere builds the moment as Saki’s confession pours out.
While Saki’s confession provides the focus of Platinum End Episode 8 story, equally important is how Mirai ultimately responds to Saki. This moment delivers an emotional payoff worthy of the heart-wrenching buildup that precedes it, while once again demonstrating that Platinum End seeks to use its heavy themes for truly deep story-telling, and not just on-screen shocks.
Throughout this episode, the animation brings all of the emotional energy of the story to life. Beyond the wonderful camera work previously mentioned, the animation delivers the characters themselves beautifully. The pain that flows from Saki is powerful and raw, while never being overblown visually. Mirai’s shock when he learns what Saki has to tell him, as well as his gentleness with her in the episode final moments, are delivered with equal skill.
So, when all is said and done, Platinum End Episode 8 delivers its best episode yet. The quiet emotion that permeates the story is powerful and raw, delivering a memorable episode that both hurts, as well as uplifts, its characters.
Platinum End Episode 8 is streaming on Funimation and Crunchyroll.
Platinum End Episode 8
Platinum End Episode 8 delivers its best episode yet. The quiet emotion that permeates the story is powerful and raw, delivering a memorable episode that both hurts, as well as uplifts, its characters.