To Your Eternity is a shonen fantasy anime produced by Brian’s Base. Having been tricked aboard a boat and labeled as convicts Fushi and Pioran are separated from each other as they are taken to a prison island. To win his and Pioran’s freedom, Fushi has been told to enter the upcoming tournament in the arena. Fushi agrees although, he doesn’t know what exactly this tournament requires in To Your Eternity Episode 14.
Winning a fight to death should be easy for an immortal shapeshifter, right? On the face of it, that might seem like the obvious answer. But what if the immortal doesn’t want to kill, maim, or brutalize people. Yet, it’s the only way it seems to rescue the one friend he has. A person that went after him, even when he was pushing everyone away. What can be expected of a person in that sort of situation? What is right?
To Your Eternity Episode 14 holds nothing back in its portrayal of the violence that takes place in the arena. People are impaled, hacked up, and decapitated right before Fushi’s eyes. Even Fushi himself is subjected to a brutal assault that marvels the crowd as much as terrifies it. While Fushi had been hiding his powers from others at the suggestion of Booze Man, he can’t stay hidden if he is to save Pioran. Luckily for Fushi, his last opponent quits the match, sparing him the need to bloody his own hands in the event’s opening melee.
Once the story gets past its initial battle, it shifts its focus to Fushi as he struggles with the concept of killing others to get what he wants. A discussion with the black-clad stranger yields an alternative point of view that differs from Fushi’s and, while cold in its nature, does bear some logical merit.
To Your Eternity Episode 14 also uses the downtime in this episode to flesh out some of the faces, locations, and intricacies of the Island. Tonari, the young woman that tricked Fushi and Pioran onto the boat, appoints herself Fushi’s caretaker between matches, and she and her friends proceed to give Fushi the lay of the land. Fushi comes to learn many things about Tonari’s world. Some will terrify him, and others confuse him. He is a long way from Booze Man’s shop, and nothing seems to be as he understands it.
Through Fushi’s perspective, To Your Eternity Episode 14 highlights how different the world, as well as how we process, react and confront it, can be. Things that mortify him are nothing more than the way things are for Tonari. And while Fushi passes harsh judgments on some of what he learns, it feels like Tonari isn’t evil; she’s just been in a terrible situation her whole life and is mostly doing what she needs to survive. Mostly.
The animation does a fantastic job of delivering this episode’s story. Fushi’s struggles in the arena are captured with particular impact and power. The visual focus on Fushi and how the carnage, as well as how he may have to participate in it, affects him elevates the moment beyond being just a display of brutality.
By the end of To Your Eternity Episode 14, the show had put me through far more than I had expected. Along with the early brutality and mid-episode soul searching comes a couple of big surprises to cap out the episode. This episode has to be one of the standouts of the series, and it didn’t even fall back on killing a key cast member to pull it off.
To Your Eternity Episode 14 is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
To Your Eternity Episode 14
By the end of To Your Eternity Episode 14, the show had put me through far more than I had expected. Along with the early brutality and mid-episode soul searching comes a couple of big surprises to cap out the episode. This episode has to be one of the standouts of the series, and it didn’t even fall back on killing a key cast member to pull it off.