Season 2 of High School Musical: The Musical: The Series continues with its 9th episode, “Spring Break.” In the previous episode, the Wildcats were benched from rehearsing for the spring musical after they infiltrated North High. They instead put their focus on Career Day, which sparks tensions between different people. These tensions cause the Wildcats to reevaluate a lot about themselves and what others think of them. Meanwhile, Nini and Ricky’s (Joshua Bassett) relationship is put to the test after Nini gets even more attention from opening her own social media account under her real name, Nina.
In “Spring Break,” the Wildcats communicate over video chat as they are all on Spring Break. Gina (Sofia Wylie) finds herself stranded on an airport after her flight gets canceled but ends up making an unexpected connection with a stranger (Asher Angel). Ricky is visiting his mom (Beth Lacke) in Boston in hopes of mending their relationship while still reeling over his breakup with Nini. Meanwhile, the Wildcats plan to get back at North High after yet another antagonizing video was posted to social media. To show that they aren’t afraid of North High, the Wildcats come up with the idea to write and record a new original song.
“Spring Break” was full of such emotional moments that displayed what makes the series incredibly unique. The scenes with Ricky and his mom were written to pull on the heartstrings of viewers while also being something that some could relate to. It’s clear from the start of the show that Ricky and his mom were close but the divorce put a strain on their relationship. Ricky tries to not really share much about what’s happening with his mom but quickly beings getting everything off his chest. Though I wish he tried harder to not reconnect with his mom right away, their relationship was quickly shown to be a loving one. The ultimate reconnection between them was completely wholesome and proved to be just what Ricky needed to get him back on his feet.
The other main emotional moment in “Spring Break” was the conversation between Gina and Jack, the stranger she met at the airport. Up to this point, Gina seems to slowly be getting over her heartbreak. However, she still seems to be dealing with it and the sudden spark that she’s begun to make with EJ (Matt Cornett). The conversation she has with Jack is based on making oneself vulnerable and what it means to not care about things. Though the basis of the conversation is quite simple, it’s full of incredible writing and chemistry that is mostly due to Wylie and Angel having worked together before on another show. But the chemistry also comes from the way their characters express themselves and the way they’re able to open up to one another even though they only just met. It’s clear that if Jack had been a recurring or main character, the two would have ultimately been a couple. However, this conversation will hopefully help Gina move on completely from Ricky on to something better.
“Spring Break” shows a different side to Nini that viewers haven’t seen before. Up to this point, she’s been an outspoken person who has had no challenge in showing how immensely talented of a song writer she is. However, her breakup with Ricky is really getting to her a lot more than she probably thought it would. She turns to her fellow drama club members for support, which she gets by the end of the episode. It’s interesting that her support system is her friends while Ricky’s is his family. The contrast works well since it shows just how different they are from one another. However, fans of both characters shouldn’t worry since their support systems provide the necessary help for both of them to get through the fallout of their relationship.
Ultimately, “Spring Break” delivers a powerful episode full of emotion, closure, and a reminder that the heart of HSMTMTS is the connections that characters form with one another. The progression of Ricky’s relationship with his mom was very captivating to watch and written very well. Gina’s journey throughout the season has been enjoyable to watch, especially since it serves as a payoff for what was set up during season 1. It’s interesting to see where the characters were at the start of the series and where they are now. The development and care that has gone into all of these characters has been enjoyable to watch.
HSMTMTS Season 2 is streaming now on Disney+ with new episodes airing Fridays.
HSMTMTS Season 2 Episode 9 "Spring Break"
“Spring Break” delivers a powerful episode full of emotion, closure, and a reminder that the heart of HSMTMTS is the connections that characters form with one another. The progression of Ricky’s relationship with his mom was very captivating to watch and written very well.