The pilot episode of Superman and Lois just aired on the CW Network. The newest show within the Arrowverse follows Superman (Tyler Hoechlin) and Lois (Elizabeth Tulloch) as they adjust to being the parents of two teenage twins. Jonathan (Jordan Elsass) is the much more athletic twin and seems to have a stronger bond with his parents. Jordan (Inde Navarrette) is the opposite, feeling isolated from his parents and struggling with mental health issues. When major events affect all of them, they make their way to Smallville to keep things in order. However, Clark and Lois are worried about whether one or both of their sons will inherit Clark’s powers and how that will affect their relationship. To make matters worse, an ominous enemy promises to bring an end to the Man of Steel.
The rather darker tone that the pilot episode of Superman and Lois took was very surprising. Having not read or seen too many Superman stories, watching a story involving Superman that has such a somber tone grabbed my attention from the first five minutes of the episode. Much of the tone comes from Clark’s own struggle with his secret identity and being a family man. That struggle has the potential to take his character to a whole new level. With Clark having to acclimate to a modern world that’s always changing while also dealing with wanting to be a good father, the possibilities for emotional and profound stories are endless. With just the pilot episode, I’m eager to read and watch more stories like this that focus on Superman.
Aside from the tone in the pilot episode of Superman and Lois, it was surprising to see how Jordan was being portrayed. Including a character with mental health issues is something that can either be a hit-or-miss trait, especially if it isn’t done in a respectful way. However, it’s understandable as to why the show made that particular choice for Jordan’s character. The feelings that he has about who he is and why he thinks his father doesn’t care about him gives a deeper understanding of his character. This gives his character progression many options as far as where it could go. But it could also get to the point where this significant character trait could be quickly forgotten or just resolved without any real dilemmas. Jordan is a character that many fans should keep their eyes on.
Jonathan has the potential to be a great character as the season progresses as well. From the first moments that he appears on screen it’s easy to just label him as the snarky older brother who looks down on his other siblings. However, things do change by the end of the episode between them. It will be interesting to see how the two come together, especially with the paths that they both embark as the episode plays out. Without going into heavy spoilers, one can only hope that his bond with Jordan isn’t strained based on future events to come. Seeing a positive and supportive relationship between two brothers is something that I’m looking forward to on a personal level.
I thoroughly enjoyed watching the pilot episode of Superman and Lois. The darker tone that the episode decided to take was a surprise, which will prove to be effective in capturing the attention of its audience. Jordan’s struggles with his mental health and how it affects his relationships with others will certainly shape his character progression. Jonathan’s progression throughout this episode lays the foundation for his relationship with his brother to grow. I’m very excited to see how the rest of the show turns out.
Superman and Lois airs on The CW on Tuesdays starting on February 23, 2021.
Superman and Lois Episode 1
I thoroughly enjoyed watching the pilot episode of Superman and Lois. The darker tone that the episode decided to take was a surprise, which will prove to be effective in capturing the attention of its audience. Jordan’s struggles with his mental health and how it affects his relationships with others will certainly shape his character progression. Jonathan’s progression throughout this episode lays the foundation for his relationship with his brother to grow. I’m very excited to see how the rest of the show turns out.