Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki is a slice of life anime produced by Project No. 9. With the last episode’s ending reveal that both Aoi and Mimimi will be running for student council president, Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki Episode 6 picks up with a surprising twist: Aoi’s latest assignment to Tomozaki is for him to become Mimimi’s campaign manager. But it looks like it might take some convincing to get Mimimi on board.
Now, if you are like me, when you first read the premise of this week’s episode you might have a moment where you think: Isn’t Tomozaki going to have a bit of a conflict of interests? After all, Aoi is realistically his closest friend. And recent episodes have indicated that he is developing feelings for her. So wouldn’t he running her opponent’s campaign be a compromising position for Tomozaki to be in? Normally I would say yes. But as Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki Episode 6 reminds us, Aoi and Tomozaki share a rare quality. And Tomozaki knows it.
The quality I speak of is their shared love of a big challenge. Of facing off against a worthy opponent and testing their skills against them. The possibility of Tomozaki trying to sabotage Mimimi”s campaign never even comes up. Aoi would never want an unearned victory like that. What’s more, Tomozaki is aware of this. If anything, knowing Tomozaki had played an instrumental part in a Mimimi win would simply impress her. Not that Aoi believes she can lose anyway.
The highlight of Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki Episode 6 is seeing Tomozaki unconsciously grow comfortable in his new role with Mimimi. While he starts with his usual stutters and uncertainty, by the episode’s end he is pitching ideas and pointing out potential problems like he’s been doing it his whole life. There is one particular moment when Aoi happens to pass by Tomozaki and Mimimi in the hall. Lost in their discussion, Aoi’s presence goes completely unnoticed. This permits her the chance to stop and partake in a moment of genuine warmth as she observes how far her protege has come.
The episode also takes a moment to deepen Mimimi’s character. While chatting idly on a swing set, Tomozaki inquires about why she wants to defeat Aoi so badly. Her answer is delivered with a lot of heart and emotion, helping to deepen her character and allow her to become more than a cheerful face.
While on the whole, this episode provides another charming entry into this series, there is one moment that doesn’t land for me. While making some campaign stops to bolster support from the school’s various sports clubs, Mimimi comes across one of her friends. Without warning, she rushes the girl and proceeds to shove her head under her shirt. While her friend is mortified by her behavior, Mimimi continues her playful assault.
While such moments are nothing unusual in the anime medium in general, Bottom-Tier Character TomozakI has presented a story that feels too grounded for this sort of moment to not come across as anything but out of place. It feels like a moment that is there because it’s anime, and that’s the sort of thing anime does.
The animation in Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki Episode 6 continues to deliver the energy and enthusiasm of its youthful protagonists. Mimimi is the perfect picture of the unending energy youth can summon when it wants. Her peep is infectious and never fails to bring a smile. While the kids portrayed as popular in school settings often leave a person wondering why the appeal of Mimimi’s positivity and can-do attitude make It easy to see in her case. And much of that is due to how far the animation goes to make her so endearing.
When it all comes together Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki Episode 6 brings another charming step to Tomozaki”s journey. There is a lot of energy and joy in this episode. And that’s something I’ll never complain about.
Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki Episode 6 is streaming now on Funimation.
‘Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki Episode 6 - “Once You Start Speedrunning the Mini Games, You Seriously Can’t Stop”
When it all comes together Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki Episode 6 brings another charming step to Tomozaki”s journey. There is a lot of energy and joy in this episode. And that’s something ill never complain about.