Jujutsu Kaisen is a horror-action anime produced by MAPPA. With the hunt for the newest curse in full swing Jujutsu sorcerer, Kento moves to confront this new enemy. Meanwhile, Itadori has his first meeting with the curse’s new discipline Junpei. Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 10 opens with more backstory for the new character Junpei. As we saw in his first appearance last episode, Junpei is the frequent target of bullies, and this torture impacts who he is greatly. This flashback flows smoothly into a conversation between Junpei and the curse about the nature of humanity, and their souls.
This discussion about humanity’s nature and the attitude toward others it allows for is well delivered, if not particularly original. The thought process basically breaks down into the classic argument that people are, by nature bad, and due to that nature, it is ok to hate, hurt, or even kill them. Given what we have already seen this new curse do, and what is revealed in this episode about it’s abilities, this nonchalant attitude toward violence is not surprising.
From here, Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 10 splits its time in two. The first half of this split follows Junpei. After he heads home, Junpei quickly picks up a tail in the form of Itadori. Itdaroi’s assignment is to investigate whether or not Junpei possesses sorcerer potential or is just an ordinary person. If he shows he has potential, he is to bring him in for questioning in relation to the theater murders.
Itadori’s approach toward Junpei is everything one would expect of the character. It is equal parts charm and goof as he navigates around an unexpected third party who shows up at precisely the wrong moment. His personality comes across as disarming and genuine as he casually appears to win Junpei’s trust enough to get him to go along with Itadori’s request to talk.
The other half of Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 10 follows Kento as he confronts the curse that is guiding Junpei. Through this confrontation, we get a deeper look into the curse’s abilities and power level. This confrontation takes the form of one of MAPPA’s trademark fight sequences. While nothing too crazy occurs here, the action is fluid, eye-catching, and easy to keep up with. Everything one expects from their trademark quality fight animation.
As the episode ends, Kento’s battle with the curse looks to enter another level as the gloves appear to come off, teasing a future look at Kento’s full power level. With this tease promising more action for next episode, it doesn’t look like Jujutsu Kaisen will be slowing down in the near future. Couple this with the expectation of seeing Itadori’s talk with Junpei, and episode eleven looks to have a ton of promise through both actions, and character development. I think this balance is something the show has lacked sometimes in its previous nine episodes and its presence here has me looking forward to the next episode more than I have previously. I hope the team at MAPPA makes great use of the setup they deliver here.
Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 10 is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
As the episode ends, Kento’s battle with the curse looks to enter another level as the gloves appear to come off, teasing a future look at Kento’s full power level. With this tease promising more action for the next episode, it doesn’t look like Jujutsu Kaisen will be slowing down in the near future. Couple this with the expectation of seeing Itadori’s talk with Junpei, and episode eleven looks to have a ton of promise through both actions, and character development. I think this balance is something the show has lacked sometimes in its previous nine episodes and its presence here has me looking forward to the next episode more than I have previously. I hope the team at MAPPA makes great use of the setup they deliver here.