Fire Force is a shonen anime produced by David Production. With the battle fully joined, the fate of young Nataku hangs in the balance. But as the Evangelist’s are determined to take the boy, they have a couple new tricks up their sleeve to aid in the endeavor, as well as a surprising reveal to a phenomenon that Station 8 has faced before. Let’s take a look at Fire Force Episode 16.
Amidst all the hectic battle that fills Fire Force Episode 16 there is the seamless incorporation of past events, and group structures woven in to it as well. This has always been a big strength of many of the best shonen anime’s I’ve watched. The blending of important information with big action sequences allows the story to grow it’s depth and flesh out it’s details, without becoming slowed down or boring. Like wise, the blending of information keeps the battles from just becoming long drawn out slug fests. This is a good thing, even when you have some of the most interesting battles in anime.
The other thing working at keeping Fire Force Episode 16’s battle fresh and exciting is the full introduction of Inca’s guardian. The goth looking white clad from last episode reveals her power in it’s fullest. I won’t spoil what she does, but it’s title is “Necro Pyro”. And if you think the title gives away the power, I assure you, there’s more to it than the name implies.
The introduction of this new ability completely changes the dynamic of the conflict that fills Fire Force Episode 16. This change further works to keep the episode going in directions I didn’t expect. The sheer amount of creativity the story continues to imbue in each episode is impressive.
The only real problem I have with the episode is just how much jumping around it does. While everyone the show bounces between is at the Haijima facility, the pace with which focus shifts from one character to another is occasionally dizzying. With several different fights going simultaneously, and some characters bouncing between skirmishes, one can’t be blamed for losing some track of what’s going on.
Meanwhile, at the heart of all this chaos is Nataku. This kid is having a rough go of it. At one point the poor kid is literally bounced between people like a football, as everyone desperately tries to acquire him. While this didn’t surprise me coming from the white clad or Haijima, it disappoints me to see the Station 8 members acting with such little concern for the boy himself. Hopefully such short comings will be addressed once the situation calms down.
As Fire Force Episode 16 comes to a close the battle is definitely reaching a fever pitch. What strategy will be concocted by Station 8’s crew to save Nataku isn’t clear here. And with their earlier failures, there success isn’t even guaranteed. And perhaps that is the strongest aspect of this season so far. It ratchets up the tension so much more when the viewer knows their hero’s are allowed to fail. Here’s hoping Shinra can pull off a miracle.
Fire Force Episode 16 is streaming now on Crunchyroll and Funimation.
Fire Force Episode 16 - "Mind Blown"
As Fire Force Episode 16 comes to a close the battle is definitely reaching a fever pitch. What strategy will be concocted by Station 8’s crew to save Nataku isn’t clear here. And with their earlier failures, there success isn’t even guaranteed. And perhaps that is the strongest aspect of this season so far. It ratchets up the tension so much more when the viewer knows their hero’s are allowed to fail. Here’s hoping Shinra can pull off a miracle.