Fire Force Episode 9 is a shonen anime produced by David Production. With the expedition split up, those outside the tabernacle desperately try to hold off the demon infernal. While those within the search for the secret to the tabernacle’s power.
One of the enduring trademarks for both seasons of Fire Force has been it’s unique battles. Creative uses of the various fire-based powers are always on display. And as the cast has grown, this has only been reinforced. This episode highlights some surprising secrets for two already well-established characters. Seeing something new from them was fun, and gave what could’ve been a by the numbers battle a breath of fresh air. Not to mention the punching power of a mid-level Dragonball Z episode. Trust me, it gets pretty crazy.
But while the creativity of the fight in Fire Force Episode 9 is great in and of itself, perhaps it’s the biggest gift to the season is that it creates an eye-catching battle that Shinra has little part in. Now don’t get me wrong, I love Shinra, but after the entire first half of the season pitting him against a singular enemy, I’m happy to see someone else get to shine in the combat spotlight. And boy does he shine!
While the action outside the tabernacle takes center stage in Fire Force Episode 9 the intense combat is balanced out nicely by the quite mysteries being investigated within. Not the least of which is how Arthur managed to memorize Pi. But beyond Arthur’s revelation, the truth of the tabernacles is also explored by the interior team. What conclusions they draw will change their outlook on the tabernacles, adolla bursts, and possibly the Evangelist themself.
And in case you thought Fire Force Episode 9 wasn’t going to hit all the shonen story types in one episode, it even manages to deliver some of that trademark nonsensical shonen humor curtesy of Juggernaut. While this sequence was incredibly entertaining, it also may have broken the for]Ruth wall a little. A dimension the show has never touched before.
While the story charged forward in several different directions, delivering action and humor at every step, the animation continued to keep up with it all the way. The combat sequences are the most over the top we’ve seen, possibly ever, in the show. While it lacked the emotional intensity of Shinra’s fight with his brother at the end of season one, this fight had a level of Firepower that made it every bit as exciting.
So, when all is said and done Fire Force Episode 9 delivered what might be the best episode of the season. Balancing all of the shows trademark elements beautifully, it crafts an episode that has something for everyone. And all signs indicate the next episode is gonna get even crazier.
Fire Force Season 2 Episode 9 is streaming now on Crunchyroll and Funimation.
Fire Force Episode 9
So, when all is said and done Fire Force Episode 9 delivered what might be the best episode of the season. Balancing all of the shows trademark elements beautifully, it crafts an episode that has something for everyone. And all signs indicate the next episode is gonna get even crazier.