Suicide Squad #3 is published by DC Comics, written by Tom Taylor, art by Bruno Redondo, colors by Adriano Lucas and letters by Wes Abbott. With the man they were supposed to be establishing as president dead, the mission is coming apart at the seams. And Lok seems to be going with it. But the Revolutionaries have a few tricks up their sleeves. Which includes an offer for Deadshot. One that might just save his life.
If there is one thing that continues to be a trademark for this run of Suicide Squad it’s character. So much character. Taylor continues to do an amazing job taking the time to give the entire ensemble cast of this book their moments. This focus on character isn’t just in the personalities either. Even in the various powers of the new personalities, we see little touches that make these characters feel just a little bit unique.
Things like Jog’s speedster abilities requiring lots of naps and snacks prior to use. These little touches not only make a character feel a little different than just being another speedster. It also shows great forethought on the part of the creative team. That first time the Squad has been fighting for a while and having Jog just zip around and knock a bunch of people out but wait, he’s out of energy. Allowing the character to not just seem like he isn’t bothering to use his abilities to their fullest, unlike a certain scarlet speedster we all know.
The art in Suicide Squad #3 continues to complement the book nicely. Redondo continues to showcase all the aforementioned personalities within every panel. From Lok’s rage to Deadshot’s struggles, every character’s moments feel genuine. My personal favorite art moment is how Jog’s big speedster moment is handled. Utilizing lots of panels on a single page, and keeping the moments shown to the very best highlights, captures the kinetic feel of the action. It’s an excellent display of visual design.
While I enjoyed the art, Lucas’s colors steal the visual show. They enhance the art, giving it a bit more of an offbeat vibe to it. Heightening the already strong personality within the book. Coloring is a trade that can sometimes go overlooked in the comic book medium. But when colors like these are utilized, it’s easy to see how impactful the craft can be.
Rounding out the praise has to be Abbott’s excellent lettering. I loved the choices made with the visual presentation for much of the lettering in Suicide Squad #3. Abbott goes that extra mile to give the lettering a little extra something. By doing so, Abbott adds both character and distinctness to the letters for this book.
When all is said and done Suicide Squad #3 continues to excel at its character-driven narrative. With more hints to something more going on than business as usual for the Squad, Taylor and company continue to have me eagerly awaiting the next chapter to this unfolding story.
Suicide Squad #3 is available on February 26th wherever comics are sold.
Suicide Squad #3
When all is said and done Suicide Squad #3 continues to excel at its character-driven narrative.