BOOM! Studios Saban’s Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Shattered Grid Deluxe Edition has to be one of the greatest what-if/spin-offs ever written. The story is written by Kyle Higgins and Ryan Parrott. The awesome imagery and styles are illustrated by Jonas Scharf, Daniele Di Nicuolo with Simona Di Gianfelice, Dan Mora, and Diego Galindo. The vibrant coloring is courtesy of Joana Lafuente, Walter Baiamonte, Raul Angulo, and Marcelo Costa. The comic is lettered by Ed Dukeshire.
Growing up watching the Power Rangers and still a fan to this day, I have imagined many stories but none like this. Shattered Grid builds on what if Tommy Oliver, the Green Ranger, never defeated Rita Repulsa’s spell and never joined the Power Rangers, instead of remaining an agent of evil for Rita Repulsa. In this timeline, Rita Repulsa and the Green Ranger reign supreme and the Power Rangers are no more. Tommy goes on to double-cross Rita and become Lord Drakkon and his mission is to control the Morphing Grid, the source of the Ranger power, and use it as he sees fit.
The story of Shattered Grid takes you on a trip down memory lane and fills you with nostalgia, showcasing many of your favorite rangers from different teams. With so much going on in the story, you never lose sight of the plot. Whenever Lord Drakkon graces the page, you know what his mission is and you’re excited for his next move and what witty words towards our heroes he might say. His character is well developed and fleshed out.
I was thoroughly surprised and happy to see all facets of him while on his journey for world domination. He is evil and an absolute badass but he does have a sense of compassion towards his companions and subjects. We are shown many Rangers from different series, the story always reminds you that the Mighty Morphin team are the main characters. Along with Lord Drakkon’s character development, each member of the Power Rangers is treated with care. Each were given qualities, strengths, and weaknesses that fit them. The team seemed balanced by their personalities and what they brought to the team.
What’s even greater about this comic is not only the story but the illustration and coloring. Characters and actions seem to pop off the page with how amazing and vibrant they are. The illustrators made sure to showcase many Rangers and MegaZords with full horizontal and vertical panels taking up either half or the full page. While images like these spark nostalgia and excitement, other images like the deaths of certain characters evoke sadness. Shocked at the way characters died, I had to remind myself that the targeted audience was not children. From scenes and the results of different plotlines, you were able to feel the desperation of the Rangers and their friends as Drakkon wreaked havoc amongst their worlds.
If you’re looking for a nonstop train ride that will put all your emotions to work, Shattered Grid Deluxe Edition is for you. It’s a fun and easy to follow read that won’t leave you disappointed. Each page will leave you wanting more. Each panel art is amazingly done that leaves you in awe. Shattered Grid will have you rooting not only for the Rangers’ survival but that of Lord Drakkon as well.Â
Saban’s Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Shattered Grid Deluxe Edition is available wherever comics are sold.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Shattered Grid
If you’re looking for a nonstop train ride that will put all your emotions to work, Shattered Grid Deluxe Edition is for you. It’s a fun and easy to follow read that won’t leave you disappointed. Each page will leave you wanting more. Each panel art is amazingly done that leaves you in awe. Shattered Grid will have you rooting not only for the Rangers’ survival but that of Lord Drakkon as well.Â