Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers #101 is written by Melissa Flores, illustrated by Simona di Gianfelice, colored by Raul Angulo, and lettered by Ed Dukeshire. It’s published by BOOM! Studios. After their final battle with the Death Ranger, the Power Rangers feel like they’ve earned a little rest and relaxation. Their downtime is short-lived, as a distress call sends them springing back into action. But can they trust the call when it comes from their archnemesis Lord Zedd? And better yet, what kind of threat could lead to Zedd calling on the Rangers for help?
This issue marks the beginning of Flores’ run on the title, and it’s a role she’s been slowly building up to. She was the former Director of Power Rangers Development and Production for Saban Brands/Hasbro and has also delved into writing comics with her creator-owned series The Dead Lucky. Simply put: there are probably only a few people that have as much knowledge of this universe as Flores does. And she puts that knowledge to good use, expanding upon Zordon’s origins and showcasing the Rangers’ dynamic — including a potential new romance. Flores also doesn’t immediately jump into the next significant threat, instead opting to build up to it. This results in a whopper of a last page, making readers crave the next issue.
di Gianfelice is the latest artist to board the title, and her artwork brings a more animated sensibility to the world of the MMPR comics. Whether it’s the exaggerated features of Bulk and Skull or the intensely bright morphing sequence, she delivers clean and powerfully dynamic artwork that’s more than a perfect fit for the Rangers universe. Her work left me wanting a Power Rangers animated series — that’s how good it is. di Gianfelice even adds some new designs, including a more sinister version of the Putties and a new version of a classic Rangers foe.
All of it is brought to life by the stalwart team of Angulo and Dukeshire. Both have been integral to the Power Rangers comics, which continues with Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers #101. Angulo delivers vibrant colors throughout, from the Rangers morphing to the bright blue glow Zordon emits in his tube. This provides a perfect contrast to the dark shadows of Zedd’s fortress and the more muted colors of his minions, such as Goldar and Finster. And Dukeshire makes sure all the karate yells, and transformation sequences have the book’s boldest, most colorful lettering. Colors and letters help shape the world of a comic book just as much as writing and art do, and Angulo & Dukeshire’s work is a prime example of this.
Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers #101 begins a new era for the Power Rangers by bringing in a new creative team and an old foe. You’ll definitely be glad you stayed if you’ve been reading the MMPR comics since their inception. And if you’re a newcomer to the comics, this is the perfect jumping point.
Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers #101 is available now wherever comics are sold.
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers #101
Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers #101 begins a new era for the Power Rangers by bringing in a new creative team and an old foe. You’ll definitely be glad you stayed if you’ve been reading the MMPR comics since their inception. And if you’re a newcomer to the comics, this is the perfect jumping point.