My Happy Marriage Season 2 Episode 5, “Deep Within My Heart,” continues to explore the developing friendship between Miyo (Reina Ueda) and Kaoruko (Haruka Tomatsu), as reveals are made about the latter woman’s past that may sunder the blossoming friendship before it can fully form. But even as these emotional matters are addressed, the threat posed by Usui (Yûya Uchida) approaches far faster than any expect.
The episode’s opening sees Miyo scrubbing an outside fountain while some soldiers wander by. The topic on the soldiers’ minds is Kaoruko. It seems they don’t think much of her, calling into question her fitness to serve based on her gender. As the soldiers pass, Miyo approaches them, politely asking for a moment to talk.
She observes that a military unit is built on unity and questions their willingness to destabilize that by speaking hurtfully about Kaoruko. Miyo goes on to question the man who claimed she was unskilled in combat when he was unable to best her in their training bout in the last episode. This is all stated in the most polite tone anyone could manage. Miyo is honestly inquiring about these elements with no intention of attacking the individuals before her.
Seeing the once hopelessly timid mouse of a girl step up and question the beliefs of three uniformed soldiers showcases just how much strength Miyo has gained since the series began. Despite lacking any sort of power in her voice, there is a calm certainty in her words that belies confidence in what she is saying. She has seen Kaoruko fight, as well as gotten to know the depth of her character. Even though her primary measuring gauge for what a good soldier is would be Kyoka (Kaito Ishikawa), Kaoruko nevertheless passes in her eyes. And that is a high bar to hit.
Miyo’s polite confrontation in My Happy Marriage Season 2 Episode 5 shows her growth.
Regardless of the lack of any accusation or judgment in Miyo’s tone, one of the soldiers takes great exception to her words, treating them as being such. Losing his temper, the soldier raises his hand to strike the unarmed woman, only to have his hand caught in mid-air, discovering the topic of their discussion had arrived. While still holding her fellow soldier’s fist aloft, Kaoruko inquires as to why he is saluting Miyo with his fist. This gives the soldier a chance to reconsider his options, allowing him to beat a hasty retreat before things become more serious.
How My Happy Marriage Season 2 Episode 5 resolves this momentary conflict is nuanced. It’s clear that Kaoruko chose to let the matter go as she did so as not to disrupt the cohesion of her unit further. She knows she is already a point of friction, and she’s not looking to make it worse. This may be admirable on the face of it, but it is likely to lead to far greater problems down the line.
Allowing it to slip by can embolden future behaviour, as the lesson taken from this moment could be that such actions will bear no consequence. The fact that, had Kaoruko not appeared, an innocent person would’ve been hurt only makes the choice more faulty. However, the soldier should thank Kaoruko for her intercession since we all know how Kyoka gets when people mistreat his fiancé.
Once the situation is resolved, we see the two ladies retreat to a kitchen where Miyo presents Kaoruko with some sweet buns and tea as a thank-you present. When Kaoruko learns that the buns were made by Miyo, she is astonished at her friend’s talents. This leaves Miyo embarrassed but pleased at Kaoruko’s enjoyment. The mutual admiration that flows back and forth between the pair builds their friendship wonderfully. This emphasis on their mutual appreciation serves not only this moment but comes back around later in the episode in important ways.
Following the opening credits, My Happy Marriage Season 2 Episode 5 jumps to Miyo and Kyoka as they visit the hospital to check on Godo (Hiro Shimono, My Hero Academia), who is still recovering from the wounds he got during the Gifted Commuinon’s ambush. When the couple arrives, they find Godo in good spirits, but the sight of his subordinate in such a state visually upsets Kyoka, causing him to excuse himself.
Much like Miyo’s early stand against the soldiers, this moment would seem less noteworthy for anyone unfamiliar with Kyoka’s personality. The often distant commander rarely shows outward emotion, especially in public, making the display speak volumes beyond what it would if most people were to excuse themselves in such a way.
The animation does a good job of bringing Kyoka the right amount of outward expression at this moment. Rather than go overboard with Kyoka’s expressiveness, the animation keeps most of the character’s trademark reserve intact. Allowing only cracks to show highlights its trust in the audience to translate what is happening properly and keeps the character feeling consistent.
Once Kyoka is gone, Godo explains why seeing him in his current state would upset Kyoka. The history lesson Miyo receives is a powerful revelation about Kyoka’s character and what drives him to take his work so seriously. Miyo is happy to learn these things about the man she loves, though she does wish he would’ve told them to her himself.
After the history lesson is over, Godo accidentally reveals that Kyoka was once betrothed to Kaoruko, though the relationship ended rather quickly. Unknown to those inside the room, Kaoruko is just outside the door. Knowing her past has been revealed, the woman flees, expecting Miyo’s feelings toward her to change.
Later, when Miyo and Kyoka are alone, Miyo brings up what she learned about Kyoka’s past. Kyoka is apologetic and resolves to do better when it comes to letting Miyo know about pertinent elements of his history. When she asks him if he loved Kaoruko, he informs her that he did not. He passionately explains that Kaoruko is just a respected subordinate to him and that Miyo is the only one who ever captured his heart.
The spotlight on Miyo and Kyoka’s relationship proves how special this series is.
With this scene, My Happy Marriage Season 2 Episode 5 continues the pattern of letting its starring couple have these quiet moments alone to flesh out their relationship. With a larger plot forming and subplots running through the season, it would be easy to neglect the core element of the story. Happily, the show has yet to lose sight of its most important element. As the two have their latest heartfelt talk, we see them draped in the soft hues of the sunset, further driving home the warmth the pair share.
After this gentle moment between our protagonists, the episode jumps to that night, where we see Miyo have one of her disturbing dreams. The tone of the moment is highly upsetting, which creates a strong contrast to the moment that precedes it. The imagery is excellently implemented, as it showcases the faces of those close to her in fear or pain, reflected through shattered glass. As the glass spirals towards her, the intensity of the moment builds, emphasizing the foreboding implications of the scene.
My Happy Marriage Season 2 Episode 5 then returns to daytime, as we see Miyo arrive at the base’s kitchen to find Kaoruko there. When Miyo offers to share more sweets and tea with the woman, Kaoruko begins to break down, stating that she isn’t worthy of her kindness. When Miyo asks her why, Kaoruko reveals that she was outside Godo’s door when she learned about Kaoruko’s past with Kyoka. Unlike Kyoka, Kaoruko does have feelings for her former betrothed. Seeing her feelings as a form of betrayal towards Miyo, Kaoruko is prepared to lose her friendship rather than lie about her feelings.
Miyo waves off Kaoruko’s concerns, stating that she would be heartbroken to lose her friend over such an issue. It’s obvious to Miyo that whatever feelings Kaoruko may hold for Kyoka, she has no intention of acting on them. Losing her first friend over such a thing is unthinkable to her, and her acceptance of Maoruko soon causes the other woman to embrace her friend, with tears streaming down her face.
This moment of acceptance for Kaoruko showcases just how tough the woman has had it. Everywhere she looks, people talk bad about her and degrade her simply because of what she is. Believing she was going to lose one of the few people who welcomed her was painful for her. Yet it also speaks to her commitment to her sense of honor that she would’ve allowed it without complaint. This strength of character stands in stark contrast to the fragile ego that was so easily bruised by Miyo’s honest observations at the start of the episode.
As My Happy Marriage Season 2 Episode 5 draws to a close, Usui makes his move. When Arata (Ryohei Kimura) goes to visit the palace, he finds the guards incapacitated and the Emperor being whisked away. This sends the barracks into full alert, as everyone knows one of Usui’s prime targets is Miyo.
Her safety seems assured as she is surrounded by soldiers in the base’s gym. However, Usui seems confident that her protection will be lacking, as he is seen striding confidently into the space, wearing a cold, maniacal grin just before the credits roll.
My Happy Marriage Season 2 Episode 5 hits on all cylinders. It explores its emotional themes with nuance, captures these moments with lovely visuals, and ends the narrative with a pitch-perfect moment of tension. Nothing more could be asked of it.
My Happy Marriage Season 2 Episode 5 is streaming now on Netflix.
My Happy Marriage Season 2 Episode 5
My Happy Marriage Season 2 Episode 5 hits on all cylinders. It explores its emotional themes with nuance, captures these moments with lovely visuals, and ends the narrative with a pitch-perfect moment of tension. Nothing more could be asked of it.