The anime adaptation of The Apothecary Diaries, directed by Norihiro Naganuma, captivated audiences with its richly detailed historical fantasy world during its first season. The series follows the journey of Maomao, a strong-willed apothecary with a knack for navigating intrigue and societal expectations in an imperial court. Naganuma’s direction not only brings this world to life but also integrates profound themes that resonate with contemporary social dynamics. At Anime Expo 2024, we had the opportunity to sit down with Naganuma to dive deeper.
Set in a meticulously crafted fantasy realm, The Apothecary Diaries follows the journey of Maomao, a strong-willed young woman with a keen intellect and a passion for herbal medicine. Her talents lead her to serve in the palace as a low-ranking servant, where she becomes embroiled in the court’s political machinations and power struggles.
The series unfolds against a backdrop of intricate court politics and societal expectations, where Maomao navigates challenges that test her beliefs and resilience. Norihiro Naganuma’s attention to detail in depicting the architecture and ambiance of the era ensures that the setting feels authentic, despite its fantastical elements.
Central to The Apothecary Diaries are its thematic explorations, notably self-love and societal norms. Maomao, portrayed as a character challenging traditional gender roles, prioritizes personal conviction over societal expectations.
Naganuma highlighted these themes, noting, “The primary theme of the series is self-love, with a significant focus on Maomao’s relationships with her parents. These themes deepen the understanding of her character and the narrative.” Norihiro Naganuma elaborated on this, stating, “Maomao has a very strong belief and she prioritized that more than what the society expects or interprets. And that’s her strength.”
In addition to its thematic richness and compelling narrative, The Apothecary Diaries is distinguished by its meticulous attention to historical detail and cultural authenticity. Norihiro Naganuma’s direction ensures that every aspect of the imperial court’s intricacies, from costume design to societal protocols, contributes to the immersive experience of the series. This commitment to authenticity not only enriches the visual storytelling but also enhances the viewer’s understanding of the complexities within Maomao’s world.
As the series director, Naganuma shared insights into the creation of memorable scenes that underscore Maomao’s development. One standout moment occurs in the final episode, where Maomao discusses the regrowth of a cut pinky with Mr. Jinshi. Naganuma described this scene as pivotal in showcasing Maomao’s journey: “This moment symbolizes her personal growth throughout the series, which I found deeply impactful and meaningful for me.”
Conversely, Naganuma acknowledged the challenges in portraying the emotional complexities of each character throughout the season. He noted the difficulty in distinguishing and expressing the varied negative emotions of the characters, emphasizing his attention to detail in visual and auditory cues to convey these nuances effectively.
Following the success of its first season, anticipation for The Apothecary Diaries season 2 is palpable among fans. Norihiro Naganuma’s direction and the series’ compelling storyline have left audiences eagerly awaiting the continuation of Maomao’s journey. As discussions and speculations swirl within the anime community, the promise of further exploring Maomao’s character growth and the unfolding political intrigues in the imperial court heightens the excitement for what lies ahead in 2025.
The Apothecary Diaries emerges not only as a captivating anime series but also as a poignant exploration of personal growth, resilience, and societal expectations. Norihiro Naganuma’s skillful direction and the series’ thematic depth resonate with viewers, inviting them into a world where courage and conviction shape destinies amidst complex social dynamics. As fans await the next chapter in Maomao’s journey, The Apothecary Diaries stands poised to continue its legacy, promising further revelations and emotional depth in the seasons to come.
The Apothecary Diaries Season 1 is available to stream on Crunchyroll.
This interview was edited for length and clarity and was conducted via a translator.