Throughout Ubisoft’s newest Metroidvania in their long-standing series, Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown shakes up the gameplay with amulets. These equippable items change your gameplay by augmenting your abilities, changing your resistances to specific attacks, empowering your own attacks, and so much more.
The thing is, there are a lot of them to discover while exploring Mout Qaf within its hidden chests, its different shops, and numerous side quests. With a limited number of slots to fill with your amulets in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown, you may get shocked just by figuring out which ones may be best during your initial adventure. Here are seven that I used the most during my adventure, and I highly recommend you use/upgrade them quickly too.
One of the earlier ones you’ll come across is the Blessing amulet. This one is simple. It increases your maximum health. Instead of being a straight permanent increase, this amulet gives a temporary extra bar of health (up to three extra bars if you upgrade it to its max rank) every time you rest at a Wak-Wak tree. Giving temporary health may not seem great at first, but it does count quickly, giving you a buffer before you must use a potion to survive.
Dragon King
This one can be costly but is absolutely worth it. Taking up a whopping THREE amulet slots, the Dragon King serves as a second life. If you are dealt a killing blow, the Dragon King will be expended, and you’ll be given some health to keep going. This is even better for those pesky boss fights you might be stuck on, where you overextend just a little too much and want to land that extra hit before using a potion. The higher this one gets upgraded, the more health you get back when it’s used.
Wolf-Bride/Gleaming Lion/Ayyar Amulet
These three are grouped together because they each increase your Athra build-up by doing different things, quickly letting you use more Athra Surges in fights. I suggest picking one based on your playstyle. Wolf-Bride converts damage taken into some Athra build-up, Gleaming Lion increases the amount of Athra from parries, and Ayyar Amulet gives more Athra from successful attacks. I took Wolf-Bride because it felt even better to keep building Athra after taking a hit instead of losing it.
Rukhsana’s Gift
Parrying takes center stage in The Lost Crown. Most attacks can be parried. Some can even trigger a special cutscene that quickly executes whoever you’re fighting (or deal even more damage to a boss). Rukhsana’s Gift gives back some health whenever you successfully parry. Once you get good at parrying, Rukhsana’s supplement potions keep you in the fight longer and let you explore Mount Qaf longer before needing to go back to a Wak-Wak Tree.
Eye of Destiny
Normally, you’ll only know exactly how much health a boss has. With Eye of Destiny, EVERY enemy’s health is displayed… as long as you hit them. This is great for late-game when most enemies have much more health, and you can keep track of who is close to dying than others. Plus this amulet is cheap and only takes up one amulet slot, so why not use it just to know?
Blade Dancer
Most combos are three hits unless you’re good at juggling enemies in the air after a ground combo. Blade Dancer extends combos by an extra hit for even more damage. A great tool earlier on when enemies actually stagger longer when hit. The more you upgrade Blade Dancer, the more Sargon’s combo extends capping off at six hits. Feel free to replace this later on, but definitely use it as you get your bearing of the first five to six quests.
Turning Wind
Parrying is a major focus, but so is dodging. If you focus on dodging more than parrying, use Turning Wind. This amulet increases the damage for dodge attacks. This is especially great later in the game when more and more enemies use unparryable attacks over and over and over again. Keep them on their toes and lay into them as they try to defeat you in one hit.
There are even more good amulets to use throughout your journey in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown. These, though, feel evergreen. Hopefully, this list helps you on your quest to save the prince and bring honor to the Immortals. Just be sure to explore every nook and cranny to get those sweet sweet amulet slot unlocks so you can equip even more amulets.