Undead Unluck Episode 9, titled “Return,” picks up after the showdown between Andy (Yûichi Nakamura), Fuko (Kahara Moe), and Shen (Natsuki Hanae) against the seemingly unstoppable Spoil concluded with a bang. Andy’s alternate form, Victor, has been revealed, and the entire Union has shown up to stop him. It is time for things to jump up another notch as Undead Unluck continues to deliver some of the best action this anime season.
There is an interesting dynamic setup right from the start in Undead Unluck Episode 9, with the Union Roundtable’s approach juxtaposed with Fuko’s hopefulness. The Union knows they need to defeat Victor by any means possible, but Fuko still sees Andy beneath the surface and believes she can get him back. It showcases how the relationship between Andy and Fuko has morphed over time, with the two growing to care for each other deeply.
It also highlights how naive Fuko is but in an endearing way. That is seen best by how Shen reacts to her decision when the other Union members think she is insane. His line, “If she were that easy to stop, then she wouldn’t be alive today,” does a great job of showing how other characters are starting to recognize her usefulness. She is not an obstacle in the way. She just has not revealed her true value yet.
This leads Top Bull Sparx, also known as Unstoppable, to carry Fuko straight to Victor while hoping she has a plan. She doesn’t, of course, at least not a fully thought-out one, but that is what we have come to expect from our naive hero. She does not necessarily need a plan; she just needs to find Andy and hopefully bring him back.
But jumping straight into the middle of a brutal battle might not be the smartest idea. And boy, what an incredible battle it is. Victor’s abilities have the Union members on the back foot, and he can create multiple clones of himself that are all as imposing as the real version. This allows him to scout the Union member’s abilities and find the best way to counter them. What he was not planning for, however, was an unlucky lady running straight into his arms smack in the middle of the battle.
Fuko plans to stay attached to Victor, hoping that a giant stroke of unluck will come raining down on him. As far as plans to defeat the villain go, it is not the worst, but it sure is up there. Her ability requires her to care for the person she affects; since Victor is an evil form of Andy, she does not care for him. It begs the question of whether or not Victor is an alternate personality that has taken over Andy or if Andy was taking control over Victor. Fuko and the Union hope it is the former and try to bring Andy’s personality back out of Victor for Fuko’s abilities to work.
It is such an interesting setup that helps deliver some of the best action of the series with some serious stakes. The Union members are fighting all out against Victor even though they know they can’t defeat him. Their only goal is to buy time for Fuko to get through to Andy and coax him out, a seemingly impossible task. It allows David Production to showcase their brilliant animation skill, with fast-moving attacks coming at viewers left and right. It is a visual spectacle made all the more special because of the purpose beneath it.
In the end, Undead Unluck Episode 9 is about hope. Hope that Fuko’s plan will work, that the Union can hold out long enough, and that Andy is not too far gone. The relationship between Andy and Fuko has grown so much in such a short period of time, and it is clear how much Fuko cares for him and truly hopes he can return so she can get to know him better. It is a beautifully touching moment amid chaos when she finally gets through to him in a way that is sure to delight viewers.
Undead Unluck Episode 9 ends the latest story arc by providing brutal action and even more powerful emotional moments. Andy and Fuko’s relationship continues to grow as the duo get to know each other more, but their responsibilities to the Union cannot be forgotten.
Undead Unluck Episode 9 is streaming now on Hulu.
Undead Unluck Episode 9
Undead Unluck Episode 9 brings the latest story arc to an end by providing brutal action and even more powerful emotional moments.