The Flash #3 is published by DC Comics, written by Si Spurrier, with art by Mike Deodato Jr, colors by Trish Mulvihill, and letters by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou. The Flash seeks the help of Max Mercury to discover more about the change in his powers and the Speed Force in general.
The plot of this series continues to address the DC Universe at a completely different angle. Spurrier blends spirituality, philosophy, science, and astrology into one big abstract conglomeration. On the surface, it is a story of family and superheroes, but beneath that, the whole fabric of reality is being rewritten. What starts as Max and Wally dipping their toe into this new world, with the explosion leaking through slowly, becomes a deluge of despair and confusion. And yet there is never absurdity. Instead, the writing is poignant and powerful. What is introduced in The Flash #3 could be too ridiculous to take seriously, and the tone keeps it tethered and nice. With all of the revelations and intrigue comes heartache and sadness, even when it involves characters we shouldn’t care about, with a devastating final segment.
The characters and the dialogue are genuinely extraordinary. It’s a script that seeks to explore new reaches of reality and tries to explain how that feels and what it is like. It’s an enormous exercise in detecting the forces of the universe, and Spurrier is succeeding. When Mr Terrific, Flash, or Max are talking about their experiences and their theories, it is engrossing. Much of it is speculation, often babbling to make sense of what they are saying, which helps digest it. The speedsters are experiencing these situations at the same time as those reading it. The dialogue is so profound and it often takes time to process the meaning within them. And while the story follows Wally, it is evident that so many of the other speedsters and characters are also struggling and facing struggles. All are approached with dexterity. Some villains talk, and some don’t, and both are as insidious and terrifying as the other. Within all of the new elements, many of them are connected to Flash villains, and the discovery of those villains and what their role will be further down the line is enticing.
The art has to take those incredible, indescribable ideas and translate them visually. This is a journey of discovery, and Deodato Jr toys with the concepts brilliantly. The darkness follows the heroes no matter what plane of existence they land on. There are many disturbing characters, with the mysterious creatures from the last issue showing themselves again. But they aren’t the only threat, as each layer has something different within it. It’s not a gory, bloody horror story, but still terrifying. It is the unknown and the bizarre effect that the opposite of the Speed Force has on those who venture into it.
The colors are peculiar yet magnificent. The extremely heavy shadows and line weights make the realms shadowy and murky, but then there is also the intense vibrancy of the costumes, especially Wally. He is easily the brightest figure in the entire issue, in both the real world and anywhere else. The balance between him and Max’s blue trousers creates a perfect partnership. Otsmane-Elhaou is the best letterer in the industry. Every word balloon has something unique that drags the voice out of every character and sends shivers down the spine. Every issue has had something new within the dynamic, beautiful lettering.
The Flash #3 is mesmerizing. Every time we try to learn more about the forces of the DC Universe, the mysteries within it get deeper. The writing is utterly stunning and captivating, exploring something extremely difficult to express and yet excelling at the attempt. It isn’t always understood, but that is perfectly fine when the investigation of the unknown doesn’t always have the right answer. It’s a story with haunting visuals and an inexpressible sense of vastness. And yet, there are personal problems within all of the Speedsters that generate a palpable sadness.
The Flash #3 is available now wherever comics are sold.
The Flash #3
The Flash #3 is mesmerizing. Every time we try to learn more about the forces of the DC Universe, the mysteries within it get deeper.