Knight Terrors: First Blood #1 is published by DC Comics, written by Joshua Williamson, art by Howard Porter, colors by Brad Anderson, and letters by Troy Peteri. This is the opening to the Knight Terrors event. Terrifying creatures cross realms to blur the lines between dreams and death for heroes and villains alike.
The first issue starts this horror-based event with an opening scene that is a great representative of storytelling in general. The book has a brilliant method of staying normal, almost serene at points. But then there is a sudden and dominant shift into the weird, becoming a shrieking swarm of noise and chaos. It’s a brief glimpse of what is to come before it quiets down for the next part of the bumper-sized issue. Then comes the main heroes of DC, where that intro suddenly becomes the catalyst for the next part.
It’s a slow period of discovery, although the feeling of unease is constant. The table is ready to be flipped at any point. Deadman is used as a go-between from this deathly element of horror to the more recognizable world of heroes. Just when the emergence is about to happen, a twist appears that raises eyebrows across the board. And the burst quickly and powerfully puts the whole of the DC Universe at risk.
The characters and the dialogue in Knight Terrors: First Blood #1 are excellent. The first victim of this oncoming threat is cut from a similar cloth to the enemies and also fits the event’s theme. Whilst minor, they are established, and what happens to them is horrifying. It is also great to see the Trinity back together again. They instantly slot back together again, age-old partners and friends. Throw in the wildcard that is Deadman. One of my favourite characters due to his unique concept and power set, he is the perfect connection between the unknown and the known, as well as the living and the dead. In his captions, he is eloquent, especially when talking about his admiration for figures such as Wonder Woman, Superman, and Batman. But in his spoken dialogue, he is chaotic and witty, with a dry humor that comes from being dead for so long.
The art is fantastic, capturing the shift into the horror genre perfectly. Porter brings a creepy atmosphere to the issue, even in the quiet moments, with the faces slightly twisted and warped. Their expressions can be haunted. But then the weird parts of the comics enter the fray, and the scariness is taken up a notch. Bodies contort in pain and fear, and the enemies seem to stretch and seep out of them like fluid or even a symbiote. Then afterward, they hang in the air, not really corporeal or solid beings. The creatures are always warping and contorting. This style makes the fights interesting, as the concept of impact and trading blows changes when the foe the heroes fight is so fluid.
The colors are fascinating. For much of the issue, the palette utilizes the standard colors for the Trinity, making them instantly recognizable. But it is practically everywhere else which features unusual and unnatural shades. Early in the issue, the backgrounds are pleasant and gorgeous. But as the situation grows more dire, purples and blood reds join, threatening to drown the characters in it. The lettering is also interesting, and the shift into horror causes a change in the font and word balloons.
Knight Terrors: First Blood #1 is a brilliant look at what the event will entail. It features some of the core characters within the DC Universe, as well as others that will be important for this book of death and dreams. The mystery of the threat is brilliant as it is so different from anything anyone within that realm usually faces. It will be an expansive yet individual event.
Knight Terrors: First Blood #1 is available where comics are sold.
Knight Terrors: First Blood #1
Knight Terrors: First Blood #1 is a brilliant look at what the event will entail. It features some of the core characters within the DC Universe, as well as others that will be important for this book of death and dreams. The mystery of the threat is brilliant as it is so different from anything anyone within that realm usually faces.