Radiant Pink #2 is written by Meghan Camarena & Melissa Flores, illustrated by Emma Kubert, colored by Rebecca Nalty, and lettered by Becca See. Image Comics publishes it. At the end of the first issue, Radiant Pink found herself trapped in another world alongside an EMT named Kelly. Now the duo has to work together to get back home. But Eva’s powers are on the fritz, trapping both in an increasing number of strange & deadly worlds. And then there’s the fact that Kelly might not be all that she seems…
Like any good superhero universe, the Massiveverse is chock full of strange and terrible things. Event horizons that grant superpowers. A host of supernatural creatures. Interdimensional travel. But this issue takes the cake, as Eva and Kelly encounter some downright trippy stuff. There’s a giant blob of slime that vomits burning glitter and a giant cat-shaped spaceship that features equally large feline pilots (and cat-shaped spacesuits.) I’m sure that one of the script directions Kubert received was “Go nuts” — and God bless her, she commits.
So does Nalty, who delivers a blast of color on every page. Once again, pink is the most prominent color, and it appears in the fringes of Eva’s portals, which have taken on a darker and more ominous look. Even the aforementioned cat spaceship is a vibrant shade of fuchsia. That, combined with the Lisa Frank bright palettes of the other worlds, makes for a delightfully trippy read.
Yet all of it is grounded by Camerena and Flores’ script, which continues to tackle Eva’s mental state. Her solo issue of Radiant Black showed that she tended to overstretch herself, and it’s doubled now that she’s hurtling between dimensions. It culminates in a page where she has a massive but necessary meltdown (and I also commend See for continuing to play with the strange alien language that all the Radiants use.) Part of what makes the Massiveverse so appealing is that it finds the right balance of emotion and genre trappings, which continues here. I’ve been in Eva’s place; I tend to take on a lot and have burned myself out because of it.
Another emotional moment? The relationship between Eva and Kelly. There are a lot of sparks there, both romantic and confrontational. And the final page will rip your heart out and stomp on it. I appreciate that Camerena and Flores make this moment feel real rather than the overblown soap opera route other comics would take. Falling for someone is a 50/50 deal. You might land in their arms, but you might also land face-first on the ground. And it looks like Eva might have more falling to do.
Radiant Pink #2 delivers an emotional, trippy ride as its titular heroine loses herself throughout time and space. It’s extremely relatable and utterly chaotic, and if you aren’t picking up this book or any of the other Massiveverse titles, you’re missing out on something special.
Radiant Pink #2 is available now wherever comics are sold.
Radiant Pink #2
Radiant Pink #2 delivers an emotional, trippy ride as its titular heroine loses herself throughout time and space. It’s extremely relatable and utterly chaotic, and if you aren’t picking up this book or any of the other Massiveverse titles, you’re missing out on something special.