Urusei Yatsura Episode 9 the sci-fi romantic comedy based on the original manga and anime series created by Rumiko Takahashi. The series centers on girl-obsessed Ataru Moroboshi and the alien princess Lum who believes she is Ataru’s wife after he accidentally proposes to her. Urusei Yatsura is produced by David Production and directed by Hideya Takahashi and Yasuhiro Kimura, with scripts written by Yūko Kakihara and character design and illustration by Naoyuki Asano. Takahiro Komei serves as series director, and Masaru Yokoyama composes the music. The leading voice cast consists of Summer Uesaka as Invader Lum, Hiroshi Kamiya as Ataru Moroboshi, Maaya Uchida as Shinobu, and Mamoru Miyano as Shutaro Mendo.
In Urusei Yatsura Episode 9, an ominous omen appears to Cherry, the monk. Cherry believes the scary sign may have something to do with Ataru since Ataru seems to be a bad luck magnet. Unfortunately for Ataru, Cherry’s suspicion is correct, and fate will not be kind to Ataru today. Meanwhile, Lum’s ex-boyfriend causes an uproar at school when the girls become enamored with the handsome young alien from space. Rei tries to convince Lum that he has changed, so she will take him back and return home. Lum does not believe Rei has genuinely changed his unruly ways.
In true Urusei Yatsura fashion, Episode 9 introduces another new character to the ever-growing cast. At this point in the season, I have accepted that introducing new characters will be a part of Urusei Yatsura’s storytelling formula. Luckily the formula of adding new characters to each episode continues to serve the show well, particularly when it comes to pacing.
For example, Urusei Yatsura Episode 9 introduces Rei, Lum’s handsome ex-fiancé from her home planet. Rei’s addition to the cast helps shape the storyline and the comedic tone for most of the episode. The antics Rei inadvertently causes because of his good looks, nearly insatiable appetite, or transforming into an ox-like monster are some of the hilarious moments of the episode.
Although Rei’s addition to the series was entertaining, he feels like a throw-away character. So far, his purpose in the series is to be a plot device for characters like Ran and Lum instead of being a fully realized character on his own. Granted, Episode 9 is Rei’s first appearance, so there is a chance we can see more from him down the line, but for now I expect little from him going forward.
The drama between Lum, Ran, and Rei’s one-sided love triangle offers more entertaining moments in Episode 9. Lum wants nothing to do with Rei and even goes out of her way to help Ran get closer to him in hopes of getting Rei’s attention off of her, which is ironically similar to how Ataru tries to push Mendo onto Lum to get her attention off of him. Unfortunately, Rei’s persistence and Ran’s jealousy continue to drag Lum into an unwanted love triangle.
Lastly, it felt like Urusei Yatsura Episode 9 missed an opportunity to explore more of Lum’s character and desires in a romantic partner. Although, it was great to see more characters from Lum’s childhood and past before she came to earth. Lum is one of the very few, if not the only, character not obsessed with looks when it comes to a partner.
For example, every female character instantly falls for Rei’s handsome looks and is shocked that Lum would break up with someone as good-looking as Rei. All the while, Lum is adamant about Rei’s true nature of being a jealous hothead with a gluttonous appetite. It is clear looks are not the only thing Lum cares about in a romantic partner since she does not overlook Rei’s lousy behavior. Instead, she gives some very valid reasons why she does not want to be with someone who is quick to anger, insensitive to her feelings, and greedy.
It would have helped to have Lum express what qualities she wants explicitly in a romantic partner, especially since she has chosen to be with Ataru, who, from what we have seen so far, is not that great of a romantic partner to Lum either. Ataru does not even want to acknowledge Lum as his fiancé. There is an excellent opportunity to dive into Lum’s feelings and romantic desires more in future episodes. Granted, Urusei Yatsura typically keeps things light as a romantic-comedy anime, so we will have to wait and see.
Urusei Yatsura Episode 9 is full of good laughs and classic romantic comedy-drama. The introduction of Lum’s ex-fiancé causes a ruckus and drags Lum into a one-sided love triangle with Rei and Ran. Although Rei ultimately feels like a throw-away character after this episode, his addition to the series at least offered a small glimpse into Lum’s romantic past. Episode 9 missed an opportunity to dive deeper into Lum’s feelings and desires for a romantic partner. I look forward to seeing if the episodes will dive deeper into Lum’s character.
Urusei Yatsura exclusively streams weekly on HiDIVE.
Urusei Yatsura Episode 9 is full of good laughs and classic romantic comedy-drama. The introduction of Lum’s ex-fiancé causes a ruckus and drags Lum into a one-sided love triangle with Rei and Ran. Although Rei ultimately feels like a throw-away character after this episode, his addition to the series at least offered a small glimpse into Lum’s romantic past. Episode 9 missed an opportunity to dive deeper into Lum’s feelings and desires for a romantic partner.