Komi Can’t Communicate Episode 17 is a Japanese Netflix Original anime directed by Ayumu Watanabe and animated by Studio OLM. This slice-of-life comedy anime is an adaptation of the popular manga series created by Tomohito Oda. The voice acting cast for the Komi Can’t Communicate consists of Aoi Koga (Love is War) as Shouko Komi, Gakuto Kajiwara (Fire Force) as Hitohito Tadano, and Rie Murakawa (Re: Zero) as Najimi Osana.
In Komi Can’t Communicate Episode 17, Komi wakes up in a winter wonderland and Tadano and Najimi are waiting outside her window, ready to play in the snow. Komi experienes playing in the snow for the first time with friends and making plenty of winter memories together. Later on, the Komi family makes a trip to visit their relatives and wish them a happy New Year. Somehow Shouko and her little cousin wind up playing a high-stakes game with their grandmother.
Episode 17 of Komi Can’t Communicate is pretty low-key overall. Which isn’t a bad thing by any means, I would just classify this as a very light watch with some wholesome moments sprinkled throughout. Episode 17 returns to the regular storytelling pattern with multiple segments. For the most part, the segments in this episode centered on the theme of winter break.
The episode kicking off without any verbal communication between Komi, Tadano, and Najimi was a great choice. I thought the absence of verbal communication was a beautiful emphasis on what this series is all about at its core. It showed that verbal communication is not the only way to communicate and connect with others, especially since this is the reality for Komi, who seeks to overcome her social anxiety and communication disorder to make friends.
As we have seen throughout the series, Komi has managed to connect with others and make friends without talking out loud. So it is also a great reminder that connection and friendships can blossom between people who communicate differently. Additionally, I found the non-verbal moments between Komi, Najimi, and Tadano sweet, showing how close the trio has grown. It showed that as much as Komi makes an effort to communicate with her friends, they can do the same for her. It is nice to see her friends are willing to communicate in a way she is more comfortable with too.
Following the previous episode, Episode 17 gave me more of exactly what I wanted, and that was seeing more of the Komi family’s dynamics and interactions with one another. At this point, the series has solidified Komi’s experience and personality regarding her school life. However, it is fascinating to see how she interacts and communicates with her family. Surprisingly enough, Komi continues to not speak out loud even around her immediate family members, but that does not seem to be an issue to anyone.
Granted, that doesn’t stop me from being curious as to why some members of the Komi Family can communicate but choose not to, like Shouko’s brother Shosuke. Or, they struggle with communicating together, like Komi. It is something that I hope the series explores a little deeper. However, this is a slice-of-life comedy. After all, I don’t expect things to go too deeply in that direction. It would just be nice to have some more insight into that area.
Overall, Komi Can’t Communicate Episode 17 is a wholesome, laid-back watch. Komi makes plenty of fun winter memories with her friends and family in this episode. Episode 17 offered another closer look into how Komi interacts and socializes at home with her immediate and extended family. Lastly, I was genuinely surprised by how much I appreciate the nonverbal communication between Komi and her friends. As it is a shining example of what this series is about; making friends and forming bonds even if you communicate differently.
Komi Can’t Communicate Episode 17 is streaming now on Netflix.
Komi Can't Communicate Episode 17
Komi Can’t Communicate Episode 17 is a wholesome, laid-back watch. Komi makes plenty of fun winter memories with her friends and family in this episode. Episode 17 offered another closer look into how Komi interacts and socializes at home with her immediate and extended family. Lastly, I was genuinely surprised by how much I appreciate the nonverbal communication between Komi and her friends. As it is a shining example of what this series is about; making friends and forming bonds even if you communicate differently.