Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie is a romantic comedy anime produced by Doga Koba. With Shikimori continuing to watch over Izumi, life manages to go on for the accident-prone boy. But today could provide even greater dangers to the young man, for its time for the school’s annual Ball Sports Tournament. And while a soccer ball upside Izumi’s head is the obvious danger that awaits, a far different challenge may emerge for the couple in Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 2.
The opening sequence for this week’s episode follows a fairly predictable plotline. When Izumi takes to the soccer field, he finds himself in his usual predicaments in no time. With Shikimuri unable to protect him, the inevitable trip to the nurse’s office comes all too soon for the young man. Despite his injuries, Izumi doesn’t seem to be doing too bad as this leads to a touching moment between him and Shikimuri.
Without giving away the contents of the moment, Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 2 uses the time the two have alone to continue to build up the wonderful relationship the two foster. The duo are perhaps the most mutually supportive fictional characters I’ve ever seen and the show knows how to deliver their charm with just enough sweetness to make them lovable, but not eye-rolling.
However, Shikimori has an event of her own to attend and is soon off to compete. She and Nekozaki are participating in a volleyball tournament and their first opponents have the school’s star volleyball player on their team. Knowing that Izumi is cheering for her, Shikimori is driven to give her all.
The aftermath of Shikimori’s time on the court brings the key narrative struggle of Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 2 for its starring couple. I enjoyed where this story takes its characters because it highlights where a key component of the duo’s personalities that are usually positive quickly become a negative. The exploration of how positive attributes can become negatives when taken too far is a storytelling theme I always enjoy. It reminds us that nothing is universally good.
The visuals manage to deliver all the struggles, laughs, and sweetness of its characters wonderfully. Along with these continuing elements, the animation gets to deliver some new successes with how it delivers Shikimori’s volleyball match. Without a ton of time to devote to this sequence, the show nonetheless manages to deliver the back and forth tension of the match in an excellently crafted montage.
When all is said and done, Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 2 brings everything that the introductory episode did, while bringing a touch of excitement and a new struggle for our young lovebirds to overcome. My expectations of this show continue to rise. I hope that future episodes will continue to create new scenarios that will test and explore its star couple instead of overfocusing on their sweetness.
Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 2 is streaming on Crunchyroll.
Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 2
Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 2 brings everything that the introductory episode did, while bringing a touch of excitement and a new struggle for our young lovebirds to overcome. My expectations of this show continue to rise. I hope that future episodes will continue to create new scenarios that will test and explore its star couple instead of overfocusing on their sweetness.