The Daily Life of the Immortal King is a school life/ fantasy donghua (Chinese animation) produced by Bilibili. After making it through their bizarre night at the school, life moves on for our protagonists. But it seems Chen has found a new fixation online, and it could cost him dearly in The Daily Life of the Immortal King Episode 21.
When a show delivers a setting that feels as unique as The Daily Life of the Immortal King‘s, it’s always interesting to see the story expand upon that world and how it works. The way it integrates magic and the spiritual force that fuels it into the characters’ lives makes the setting stand out from other magical worlds. With The Daily Life of the Immortal King Episode 21 diving into cyberspace, a whole new aspect of their world is introduced to viewers. And if you think our internet can suck the life out of you, get ready for a whole new level of danger.
Throughout the bulk of the series, most of Chen’s character has been providing a consistent source of comedy for the show. Frequently biting off more than he can chew, Chen is prone to overestimate himself and his skill in Cultivation. This has gotten him into trouble on multiple occasions, and this episode focuses on his newest farce: a growing fixation with a live streamer.
While it’s easy to get caught up in entertainment, it’s quickly apparent that Chen’s obsession is more than mere hype. Instead, it seems the streamer has cast some spell on Chen, draining away his spiritual essence. Luckily for Chen, his friends don’t intend to sit back and watch him wither away. And they’ll even get some back-up from one of Chen’s family members.
The Daily Life of the Immortal King Episode 21 leans fully into the show’s wonderful visual comedy. Chen’s reactions to his friends’ attempt to save him from his growing fanboy-ism are hysterical. And while most of the humor comes from Chen himself, the rest of the group have their fair share of comedic gold as they struggle to help their friend. On a related note, Sun doesn’t take failure very well.
While this farce-filled journey onto the internet easily could’ve been a throwaway story, it instead weaves its goofy narrative into the season’s larger story. This allows the story to be both entertaining and productive for the larger plot.
Something that helps elevate the humor in this episode is the new visual styles the animation employs in this story. Thick, broken lines are implemented during some of the reaction moments to reinforce the characters’ shock, helping the visual side of these scenes land wonderfully.
So, when all is said and done, The Daily Life of the Immortal King Episode 21 delivers a raucous and fun comedic tale. It brings tons of laughs while also fleshing out another aspect of the show’s world.
The Daily Life of the Immortal King Episode 21 is streaming on Funimation.
The Daily Life of the Immortal King Episode 21 - "The Internet is not a Lawless Paradise"
The Daily Life of the Immortal King Episode 21 delivers a raucous and fun comedic tale. It brings tons of laughs while also fleshing out another aspect of the show’s world.