Dragon Ball Super Volume 14 is an action–adventure comedy martial arts manga written by Akira Toriyama, art by Toyotarou, translation by Caleb Cook, and lettering by Brandon Bovia. Goku and his friends’ adventures from the best-selling manga Dragon Ball continue in Dragon Ball Super. The manga follows Goku on his adventures that take place after the defeat of Majin Buu, but before the final chapters. The English release of the series is published by Viz Media.
Dragon Ball Super Volume 14 consists of chapters 61 through 64. Following the previous volume, Vegeta has returned home to Earth to join the battle against Moro. Now with a newly acquired power of his own, he is ready for a rematch. His new power, Forced Spirit Fission, is capable of separating Moro from the energy he’s stolen, but the mighty villain still has some tricks of his own…and not just the backup copy he made of Seven-Three’s powers!
Dragon Ball Super Volume 14 is hands down my favorite volume in the entire series to date! In this volume, the mangakas, Toriyama, and Toyotarou deliver an amazing volume that pushes the plot of the Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga forward to new exciting heights. I applaud the mangakas for the awesome pacing in this volume. From the art, dialogue, and action, everything flows together cohesively on each page.
Toyotarou’s artistic skills capture every movement of the hand-to-hand combat fighting is striking and fluid on every page. I especially love how they manage to draw the dodging movements so that it is easy for the reader to see the direction the character is moving. It’s the attention to detail in moments like these that make me admire Toyotarou’s work in this series so much.
The writing of Dragon Ball Super Volume 14 is phenomenal. Akira Toriyama’s writing, especially when it comes to Vegeta, is amazing as it takes his character development to new levels that we haven’t before. However, I was slightly disappointed, but not surprised, that Vegeta’s time in the spotlight doesn’t last long. In typical Dragon Ball fashion, the plot returns the usual formula of Goku returning to battle just in time for a final round against the villain. Granted, it would have been nice for once if Vegeta ended up being the hero for a change.
I was also thoroughly impressed with the symbolism in Dragon Ball Volume 14. For example, Vegeta’s new power technique, Forced Spirit Fission, symbolizes how far he has grown and changed for the better. This new power allows him to save and restore life energy to countless innocent beings and planets that Moro consumed. The same innocent lives that at one point in his life, Vegeta had no remorse or hesitation about killing in the past.
I felt the mangakas’ decision to give Vegeta this specific power was very deliberate as it is reminiscent of how far Vegeta has come as a character overall. Vegeta was once so so power-hungry, selfish, and driven by his pride that he didn’t care how many lives he had to take to get closer to his goal. However, here he is, now fighting with a power that allows him to restore life and be a savior for once.
Overall, Dragon Ball Super Volume 14 is an awesome addition to the series. The pacing is perfect as every part of this volume, from the art and dialogue to the action, blends cohesively. Additionally, Volume 14, rightfully, and finally, gives Vegeta’s character development the depth it deserves. The mangakas, Toriyama and Toyotarou, set the volume at a perfect pace that keeps the reader pulled into the story’s action and eager to see what will be next.
Dragon Ball Super Volume 14 is available now, wherever books are sold.
Dragon Ball Super Volume 14
Overall, Dragon Ball Super Volume 14 is an awesome addition to the series. The pacing is perfect as every part of this volume, from the art and dialogue to the action, blends cohesively. Additionally, Volume 14 rightfully, and finally, gives Vegeta’s character development the depth it deserves. The mangakas, Toriyama and Toyotarou, set the volume at a perfect pace that keeps the reader pulled into the story’s action and eager to see what will be next.