Fire Force Episode 24 is a shonen anime produced by David Production. While Tamaki gained a new level of power last episode, Arthur and Shinra continue their training to awaken the hysterical strength of a fire scene. Meanwhile, Captain Hibana makes a visit to Kongo to gain more insight to his encounter with the doppelgänger during the Great Fire. All the while, the white-clad continues to seek those touched by Adolla.
The bulk of Fire Force Episode 24 follows Arthur and Shinra as they struggle to survive Captain Shinmon’s brutal training. They are exposed to fire, dragged through the streets, and nearly drowned, among other things. When both have finally had enough, they attack Shinmon with everything they have left. Shinmon, a formidable opponent under the best of circumstances, proves capable of turning back the boys’ initial assaults. All this transpires as a concerned Tamaki watches from the sidelines.
Meanwhile, Captain Hibana, along with the captain of Station 6, pays a visit to Kongo to do some investigating into his encounter with the doppelgänger and his experience with the adolla link. Even as the Fire Force has learned much about the adolla and the Evangelist, there is still much to learn, and time seems to be growing short. Meanwhile, Fire Force Episode 24 also glimpses what the white-clad are doing. As they continue to hunt for those touched by Adolla, they will not let their defeat at the hands of Kongo slow them down. We see them searching out others.
The moments of combat in this episode are executed with precision and flair. Captain Shinmon continues to be one of the more impressive anime combatants I have ever seen. Skill, discipline, and raw power are drawn into every movement he makes. And while Shinmon is as impressive as always, it is Shinra and Arthur who truly steal the moment here. While their training has been brutal, it was not for nothing either.
As Fire Force Episode 24, and indeed season two as a whole comes to a close, the series takes a moment to look back at how far it has come. Eschewing the normal outro, in the credits we see Captain Obi giving one of his get peep talks to the entirety of Station 8. Then, as the original opening music for the series “Inferno” plays in the background, we are treated with a clip show of many of the biggest beats from the story so far. It functions as an amazing moment to get hyped for the coming season.
While Fire Force Episode 24 certainly does bring in hype for what is to come, it fails in one singular way. Its lack of wrap-up for its current storyline makes this season feel unfinished. Much like the middle movie in all too many trilogies, Fire Force Season 2 ultimately serves no purpose of its own, save to set up season three. While this is disappointing, it was still a great episode and a blast of a season overall.
Fire Force Episode 24 is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
Fire Force Episode 24
While Fire Force Episode 24 certainly does bring in hype for what is to come, it fails in one singular way. Its lack of wrap up for its current storyline makes this season feel unfinished. Much like the middle movie in all too many trilogies, Fire Force Season 2 ultimately serves no purpose of its own, save to setup season three. While this is disappointing, it was still a great episode, and a blast of a season overall.