Fire ForcFire Force is a shonen anime produced by David Production. Just as last episode took a break from the main plot to shine a light on Sister Iris and her personal struggles, this week, Fire Force Episode 19 takes a deeper look at Station 8’s resident buff lady, Maki.
Ever since early in Fire Force’s run, I’ve been a big fan of Maki. She has been one of the more stable members of Station 8. While her power level is often outshined by Shinra and Arthur’s, she has always found the means to provide a versatile level of support for the station’s operations. And the beat down she put on those White Clads in hand to hand at the end of Season One was just chef’s kiss.
Fire Force Episode 19 begins with a flashback to when Maki informed her father, General Oze of the Japanese Imperial Military, that she was leaving the service to enroll in Fire Force. Her father is clearly displeased with her decision.
From this flashback, the episode jumps to a brief bath scene featuring the focus character. While I’m never in favor of needless fan service this sequence does serve a dual purpose beyond just showing Maki’s skin. That secondary purpose is showing just how ripped she is.
With her being most commonly seen in either her bright orange coveralls or full Fire Force mission gear, it’s easy to forget just how chiseled Maki is. From head to toe, the girl looks like something Michelangelo would’ve sculpted. However, why she pushes herself so hard isn’t as positive as the physical results.
From here we see that Maki is back visiting her family’s home. Her brother, mother, and father are all going to be present for dinner. A rare occasion, given everyone’s busy lives. As the family sits down for dinner, the usual, mostly well-meaning personality clashes that are prone to happen at such family gatherings occur. Father dotes on daughter. Brother and sister heckle each other till mom puts her foot down. And I mean that literally.
We also learn Maki’s brother serves in the military and is pursuing an investigation that seems to point toward the Nether. The mentioning of the place of course circles back to Maki, as she went into the Nether last season. Here we learn what her father and brother’s objection to her joining Fire Force was. They feel it’s too dangerous for Maki. This of course is based on no logic beyond the fact that Maki is her father’s little girl, and he can’t see her for anything other than that.
It is also here that we can deduce Maki’s need to work herself so hard. Her pursuit of physical training feels like an attempt to prove to her father she can take care of herself. While I’d think her impressive pyrokinetics would be convincing enough, the fact she could rip most people’s arms off should be the icing on the cake. Alas, some people only see what they choose to.
After the family dinner concludes Fire Force Episode 19 follows Maki’s brother in his investigation into the Nether. Things don’t go the way they are supposed to, and trouble ensues when the investigators stumble upon a part of the Evangelist’s operation. With the resulting commotion, General Oze decides the military has been on the sideline in the Evangelist situation for too long. He begins preparation for a joint venture with the Fire Force to conduct a widespread search of the Nether. But first, he has a demand to make.
While Fire Force Episode 19 is another tame episode with no opportunity for snazzy fight animation, the visual work done here is still top-notch. Characters’ emotions always shine and General Oze is given a ridiculous visual gag that is executed so perfectly that I couldn’t help but laugh at it, despite the several times it is used.
With this episode, we get what is likely to set up the final big push for the season. With another excursion into the Nether about to begin, and remembering what came of the last time Station 8 was down there, I cannot wait for next week’s episode.
Fire Force Episode 19 is streaming now.
Fire Force Season 2 Episode 19 - "The Oze Family"
With this episode, we get what is likely to set up the final big push for the season. With another excursion into the Nether about to begin, and remembering what came of the last time Station 8 was down there, I cannot wait for next week’s episode.