Marvel’s Jessica Jones: Playing with Fire Episode 10 is published by Serial Box, written by Lauren Beukes, Vita Ayala, Sam Beckbessinger, Zoe Quinn, Elsa Sjunneson, and narrated by Fryda Wolff. With her talk with Sam’s last episode pointing Jessica in the direction of Diane, the operator of the Nova Naledi collective, she makes her way across town to see what she can learn. What she discovers might just surprise her.
Over the last ten episodes of Marvel’s Jessica Jones: Playing with Fire I’ve come to appreciate just how versatile a character Jessica can be. This is especially true in the manner in which she deals with people. While she always sports a healthy dose of pessimism in her social dealings, the rest of her mannerisms are heavily dependent on her company. Jessica is more than capable of bringing any number of attitudes to a discussion. Kind and sympathetic can flow just as easily as bitter and spiteful. It really is all up to the other participants which Jessica comes out to play. This fluidity in her character shows up to great effect in Marvel’s Jessica Jones: Playing with Fire Episode 10 .
Before she can get to Diane’s home though, our protagonist must once again navigate the NYC public transit system. Just as in previous chapters, this moment of downtime is utilized well to allow Jessica to catch her breath and take a moment for a little introspective thought. These little breaks continue to serve as wonderful connective tissue for the story. They’ve become an integral part of the story’s rhythm. Allowing the it to explore Jessica’s character at a point in time that feels natural. I like this exploration far more than the more common alternatives. Having characters give long internal monologues in the middle of conversations, or some other equally inopportune moment is always so jarring.
Upon reaching her destination Diane reluctantly welcomes Jessica in. As Diane prepares some tea, Jessica takes a moment to look around her hosts space. Get a feel for who she is dealing with. Diane comes across extraordinarily quickly as peak rich white woman. Some one who has traveled the world, and is now descending from the mount to grace lesser mortals with her aid.
The ensuing back and forth that fills the bulk of Marvel’s Jessica Jones: Playing with Fire Episode 10 is excellently crafted. Jessica’s measured responses, and careful observations go a long way to highlighting that razor wit that she possesses.
The other aspect of Jessica that is utilized wonderfully throughout this interaction is her self awareness. Jessica has little trouble admitting, to herself at least, where her shortcomings are. This awareness allows her to compensate for some of those same failings. Helping her to avoid some pitfalls she otherwise would’ve fallen for.
As this excellently crafted scene reaches it’s apex an unexpected guest stops by, derailing the proceedings. Don’t worry, no spoilers. This unexpected twist however works to bring the episode to a dramatic close.
This wrap up once again leaves Marvel’s Jessica Jones: Playing with Fire Episode 10 in a spot that has me itching to find out what happens next. With six more episodes still to come there is plenty of time for this story to continue to impress me.
Marvel’s Jessica Jones: Playing with Fire Episode 10 is available exclusively on Serial Box.
Marvel’s Jessica Jones: Playing with Fire Episode 10
This wrap up once again leaves Marvel’s Jessica Jones: Playing with Fire Episode 10 in a spot that has me itching to find out what happens next. With six more episodes still to come there is plenty of time for this story to continue to impress me.