DC’s Hill House Comics is a smash hit as its first horror series, Basketful of Heads. Basketful of Heads #3 is written by Joe Hill with art by Leomacs, colors by Dave Stewart, cover by Reiko Murakami, and a variant cover by Tula Lotay. The issue picks up where the last left off, with June and a head in a basket.
After fighting back against the home intruders that have taken her boyfriend, June is left with a talking head of the man who wanted to kill her. At the start of Basketful of Heads #3 it’s raining outside and June can’t make her traveling companion be quiet. Confronted with guilt, June tries to be intimidating. But the best thing about Hill’s writing of June is that despite cutting off a man’s head, she feels remorse, she can’t end him, really end him now that he’s talking and crying at her.
June attempts to get answers instead, playing a mean person, but not doing it too well, a perspective written well by Hill. She attempts to get answers that might spell the difference between life and death. But getting him to talk is one thing, and getting the truth out of him, even if she doesn’t want to know the answer is a whole other issue. He wants her to fail and there and with three other killers out there.
Leomacs art is perfect for the genre and Stewart’s colors make the setting perfectly dreary, and truthfully, this combo of a creative team including Hill makes a comic that I can easily see adapted to any screen. This is a testament to not only Hill’s script but also the ability of Leomacs and Stewart to bring the 70s slasher aesthetic to comics. Throw in the Viking ax with magical properties and you have a hit.
There is a lot shown in the way of plot in Basketful of Heads #3 which is better experienced than told. But what I will say is that the action in this issue is not only believable but also one of the moments in horror comics this year that immediately made me want to see this with real people. There is a grittiness and grime to it but also an empathy for June, embodying a little bit of a Final Girl and a little bit of just a genuine badass, it all works.
Overall, in Basketful of Heads #3 the creative team knocks yet another issue out of the park. The ending of each issue thus far has left me with on a hook, waiting for the next one and I can’t wait until next month.
Basketful of Heads #3 is available where comics are sold and online through our ComiXology affiliate link.
Basketful of Heads #3
Overall, in Basketful of Heads #3 the creative team knocks yet another issue out of the park. The ending of each issue thus far has left me with on a hook, waiting for the next one and I can’t wait until next month.