Yellowjackets Season 2 Episode 5 shines with the addition of Lauren Ambrose as adult Van and ends on a massive cliffhanger.
Author: Allyson Johnson
Dr. STONE New World Season 3 Episode 3, “First Contact” is the best and most exciting episode of the series since Season 1.
Despite the weight the story holds and Millepied’s ambitious vision, Carmen fails to engage beyond brief instances.
‘Ted Lasso’ Season 3, Episode 6 — “Sunflowers” is the best episode of the season so far and a series highlight.
Skip and Loafer Episode 3 “Dreamy and Sparky” continues the series roll in being the best new anime of spring 2023.
‘Insomniacs After School’ Episode 2 — “Mu Scorpii -The Cat’s Eyes” continues to charm with likable characters and a meditative atmosphere.
Yellowjackets Season 2 Episode 4 “Old Wounds” is the weakest episode of the second season so far due to the divide of storylines.
Dr.Stone New World Season 3 Episode 2 “Greed Equals Justice” is another strong episode of the series with a heavier focus on humor.