With an abundance of care and delicacy, Ajia-do Animation brings the story of Yuki (Sumire Morohoshi) and Itsuomi (Yu Miyazaki) to life in A Sign of Affection (Yubisaki to Renren) Season 1. Based on the manga written and illustrated by suu Morishita, the anime captures the warmth and patience of the original work while bringing it to new heights. With softly lit vibrancy and a cool-toned watercolor effect, the series, directed by Yūta Murano, understands the necessary romanticism of the text and brings to it even greater visual depth.
The series follows Yuki Itose as she attends university. Yuki has congenital hearing loss and communicates with sign language, texting, and lip reading. Her life changes when she meets the enigmatic Itsuomi, who quickly determines Yuki as someone with whom he wishes to share his life. Determined to better understand Yuki and her world, he begins learning sign language, and their romance blossoms.
However, suu Morishita’s work allows more than one central couple. Instead, the world develops through the lives of those whose paths intersect with Yuki and Itsuomi’s. There’s her friend Rin (Kaede Hondo) and her crush on Itsuomi’s cousin, Kyōya (Ryōta Ōsaka). Itsuomi’s high school friends Shin (Tasuku Hatanaka) and Emma (Nao Tōyama) allow for a standout episode as they shade in the color of his world. And Oushi (Takeo Ōtsuka), the boy who grew up alongside Yuki, is the best episode of the series to date with Episode 10.
Each of these characters possesses texture and layers that allow them to become more than simple archetypes or foils for the leading duo. Through them, the story enriches itself with how one relationship can impact the lives of others. Emma is more than just a pining friend harboring unrequited feelings. And Oushi is more than the boy destined to wait on the sidelines. They’re complicated, engaging characters who, despite their stumbles, are worthy of love. This interiority is just part of what makes the series so special.
Of course, though, the main couple is crucial to the overall success of the series. And Yuki and Itsuomi are endlessly charming. Despite their initial assumed differences, the series takes the time to subtlety explore their similarities. They’re both innately curious about the world around them. From how Itsuomi seeks to travel the world to how Yuki watches and observes those around her. The series uses their physical differences for a delectable visual discordance but never plays it broadly. Instead, their differences draw the two together, enlightening the viewers about how they’re the same.
The animation is stunning, capturing the essence of a robust first love. Yuki is immediately enamored by Itsuomi, throwing her insecurities away to pursue his attention. The series animation follows suit, blanketing their world in floral hues, wisteria purples, and azalea pinks. But it never goes overtly cutesy. That is, aside from the chibi styling of their facial expressions — the overtly round eyes and scrubbed-out details.
The background and backdrops are all layered and stunningly done, helping enrich a story that embraces its romanticism. The landscapes have texture and shading that grants them a tactility as if we could reach out and touch the tissue paper gradient effect. The visuals utilize watercolor touches and inkblot effects. This marries perfectly with a story so entrenched in love. It visualizes the giddiness that settles within us when our crush meets our eyes or smiles our way.
The animation also shines in how it depicts the signing. A Sign of Affection Season 1 deals often with the nature of sign language. There’s precision and compassion behind how the signing comes across. The direction patiently captures it, showing how vital it is as a communicative tool as Itsuomi speaking is. There’s no trying to gloss over it or over-simplify it. Yuki mentions being able to detect personality traits through how someone signs. The animation depicts this. From Yuki’s confident movement to Oushi’s fast and languid motions to the sturdy motion of Itsuomi’s hands — each character has their own style.
If A Sign of Affection Season 1 stumbles, it’s in the pacing. Opinions will vary because compared to other breakneck series, the patient pace of this series is a welcome reprieve. So, too, there is a little tension between the will they / won’t they element. The series is much more concerned with how these characters come and grow together. Their coupling is never a question. However, that lack of tension and big stakes are also where the series loses its steam. There’s a meditative effect to the story that sometimes is too happy to luxuriate in the calm rather than finding ways to visually or narratively stimulate.
Otherwise, A Sign of Affection Season 1 is a gorgeous love story. Yuki and Itsuomi earn their places in our hearts along with each other. The series’ charm, wit, and heart will eat away at even the biggest cynic. It’s easy to fall for characters and their love when rendered with this level of beauty and compassion.
A Sign of Affection Season 1 is available now on Crunchyroll.
A Sign of Affection Season 1
A Sign of Affection Season 1 is a gorgeous love story. Yuki and Itsuomi earn their places in our hearts along with each other. The series’ charm, wit, and heart will eat away at even the biggest cynic. It’s easy to fall for characters and their love when rendered with this level of beauty and compassion.