Ragna Crimson returns for its 2nd cour on January 13. Based on the manga series written and illustrated by Daiki Kobayashi, the anime Ragna Crimson adapted by Silver Link, follows the character Ragna (Chiaki Kobayashi,) a boy who inherits the strongest power and the mission of “dragon hunter” from his future self. Along with his partner, Crimson (Ayumu Murase,) the two work to challenge powerful dragons who threaten humanity.
The trailer for the 2nd cour teases the “Human Dragon Arc,” highlighting sequences centered on non-stop action as the stakes continue to rise for our protagonists. Following the first cour, the arc follows the war with the Winged Blood Clan as the opposing side of our heroes strengthens as Ragna and Crimson stand alongside Staria, who leads the Armored Corps against the dragon. Our critic praised the first cour, calling it an “intriguing tale that looks to be equal parts brutal violence and exploration of loss.”
Release Schedule:
- TOKYO MX, BS11: Every Saturday 25:00~ **The broadcast time will be moved up 30 minutes from January**
- MBS: Every Saturday 27:38~ d Anime Store, U-NEXT, Unlimited Anime: Every Saturday 24:00~ **Terrestrial pre-distribution**
- Hulu, ABEMA, DMM TV: Every Thursday 24:00~
- Terrestrial Pre-Broadcast – Every Saturday 24:00~d Anime Store, U-NEXT, Unlimited Anime
- Every Thursday 24:00~ Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, TELASA, J:COM STREAM, milplus, Smart Pass Premium, FOD, ABEMA, DMM TV, TVer, MBS Video-ism
- Friday’s at 12:00~HAPPY VIDEOS
- Friday’s at 18:00~Bandai Channel
- Saturday’s at 25:00~ Crank in! video
- Monday’s at 12:00~ Casual video (Internet café)
Can I Own Ragna Crimson’s Physical Release?
The TV anime Ragna Crimson Blu-ray BOX I will also be released February 14, which you can pre-order on the official site. The limited edition includes the following:
- [DISC 1] Main story Episodes 1 to 6
[DISC 2] Main story Episodes 7 to 12
Video bonus
- Non-credit OP/ED
- Documentary produced by Ragna Crimson
- Just before broadcast!! Emergency distribution program ~Dawn of the Karyuujin~ (Director’s cut version)
- Bonus CD
- Ragna Crimson Original Soundtrack Vol.1
- Enclosed bonus
- Special 40P booklet: Includes the original story “Silver Troops vs. Dornia Part 1” (color cover & 19 pages of manga) drawn by Daiki Kobayashi!
Ragna Crimson Season 1 Cour 2 premieres January 13 on HiDive.