With perhaps the best title of any new anime premiering this season, The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today Episode 1 embraces its bizarre premise from the jump. Based on the manga created by Hitsuji Yamada, the anime is directed by Susumu Kudo and Katsumasa Yokomine and, so far, the adaptation lacks the charm of the original illustrations. That said, there’s definite humor derived from the premise alone and character designer Takayuki Uchida has clearly had fun in bringing Yukichi to life, creating a central figure charming enough to entice non-manga readers.
Saku (Yui Ishikawa) never anticipated that the feeble, stray black cat that she took in years ago would grow to such enormous proportions. Now, said cat Yukichi (Hiroki Yasumoto) has taken up the role of housekeeper, satisfied by his domestic chores and culinary skills. The punchline, at least for The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today Episode 1, lands from roles being reversed between pet and owner. It’s Saku who leaps for the food Yukichi has prepared for her and he holds it out of the way. It’s Saku who needs to be bathed and taken care of, who scrambles away on all fours when Yukichi goes to weigh her. That role reversal delivers the greatest comedy of the series.
The main narrative concern lies in how long such a premise can sustain itself. Does this goofy style of comedy allow for character growth or will it just amount to a joke factory format where it’s also situational based? One of the funniest moments of the episode is the image of Yukichi in clogs as he brings the trash out, his apron still tied around him. There’s no depth to it and frankly, there doesn’t need to be when the image of a human-sized cat walks on his back legs while preparing dinner or enjoying tea while the cooking channel plays in the background. That said, as the series readies itself for a full season, there’s a chance this is an adaptation that might work better on the pages of a manga rather than on screen.
The direction and animation style doesn’t fit the tone of the story, which is relatively low-key and wholesome with the first episode mainly dedicated to Yukichi preparing meals for Saku. Yet there’s a clip in which the opening sequences and anything to do with Saku’s office job are filmed that more resemble an action anime rather than a slice-of-life. Bizarre, aerial perspectives and ground-level points of view dominate the direction style, with fishbowl frames that distort the sequences and give them a surrealist appearance.
For fans of the manga, it will be the depiction of Yukichi that draws them in. It all speaks to the aforementioned simplicity and inherent charm of the premise — especially for cat people. There’s a level of care and attention given to the character, from his frustration manifesting in the telltale flat ears of an aggravated cat, to the swish of his tail and softening face when enjoying his tea, the expressions, and his wordless demeanor are instantly delightful. Saku, in comparison, is less interesting. However, she clearly is meant to play as the inverse of Yukichi. She’s messy, overworked, and loves fried food and a good, cold beer (or multiple.) He’s her caretaker and pseudo-househusband in comparison, and their dynamic allows for her thin characterization to be tolerable due to how he overcompensates.
The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today Episode 1 is a slight yet enjoyable premiere of one of the summer’s odder premises. With a strong lead character in the giant cat Yukichi and situational humor which plays off of the odd-couple dynamic of him and his “owner” Saku, the series will find plenty of fans looking for an anime that can be used to decompress from some of the season’s more stressful titles.
The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today Episode 1 is available now on Crunchyroll.
The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today Episode 1
The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today Episode 1 is a slight yet enjoyable premiere of one of the summer’s odder premises.