Groot #1 is a new series published by Marvel, written by Dan Abnett, art by Damian Couceiro, colors by Matt Milla and letters by Travis Lanham. A young Groot finds his planet under attack, and a junior Kree private is called into action to save another world.
This issue takes place a long time ago when Groot was just a sapling, and Captain Mar-Vell was fresh out of the Kree basic training. The first issue follows The Kree more than it does the tree, as an attack on Planet X is just one in a series of devastating assaults. More intergalactic politics are at play, leading to the Kree being at the right place at the right time. A battle erupts on the surface of the other planet, and it is a long time before the main characters of the story even meet each other. When they do, it’s a brilliant introduction to one another. Groot #1 has amazing and intense pieces of action but also a lot of heart.
As said previously, this is a book that seems to share the starring role. Groot is only little and missing for much of this premier issue. But when he is on the page, the character he shows is delightful. Feisty and protective of his friends, the little guy is adorable but full of bravery. It is understandable why Abnett brings Marv-Vell in as well though, as the other protagonist isn’t known for his diverse vernacular. He is very raw as a soldier but his initiative and brilliant strategy is showing already. But he has a soul, wanting to help those in need because he feels it’s his duty. This comic is filled with the arrogance of the Kree and their military jargon, but the dialogue is fantastic throughout.
The art is interesting and brilliant. The first thing I noticed was that the lines were incredibly thick. This can make the landscapes and the devastation look much more extreme. The enemies are these swirling masses of machinery. The fight scenes are extensive and destructive, highlighting the damage done to the planets as a whole. Then there is Groot and his friends. They are so immaculately expressive that they are a joy to see. The size difference between them and anything else is hilarious. Couceiro has taken baby Groot straight from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, bringing the same amount of personality to the character as he has in the movie. Despite his size, he and his friends have large eyes and mouths, meaning they can be extremely dramatic. The emotions can be read through their whole bodies, not just their faces.
The colors are phenomenal. The intensity that Milla brings to the pages is crucial for when the comic has fire brought into it, given how dangerous it could be for Groot and his people. In addition, the Kree uniforms are color coded for the separate ranks, helping to tell the soldiers apart. Much of the devastation caused to planets in this issue is demonstrated through the coloring, and the shades used to describe it make it terrifying. The lettering is very easy to read throughout.
Groot #1 is a wonderful and emotive book. Abnett is tapping into a piece of Marvel’s history that is very much under-explored. Young Groot can tell a story without you needing to understand what he’s saying, and he is so much fun to follow. Then to have the story of the Mar-Vell and the Kree as well is an added bonus. The writer is possibly one of the best at writing cosmic Marvel comics.
Groot #1 is available where comics are sold.
Groot #1
Groot #1 is a wonderful and emotive book. Abnett is tapping into a piece of Marvel’s history that is very much under-explored.