Silver Surfer: Ghost Light #2 is published by Marvel Comics, written by John Jennings, art by Valentine De Landro, colors by Matt Milla, and letters by Joe Sabino. Silver Surfer comes to terms with a friend literally rising from a grave. But his secrets threaten more than just the small town his family lives in.
The first issue had a plot filled with mysteries, and the second chapter is no different. There is an even larger expansion of the genres. The cosmic side of the Marvel Universe is tapped into beautifully, laced into a hard sci-fi adventure. Jennings is using long-forgotten pieces of history, featuring some fantastic callbacks. There’s interference in this comic from both evil scientists and abstract cosmic beings. This suggests a fantastic barometer for where the story can go. The plot takes its time, not rushing through much content within. It’s not as enclosed as the first issue, focusing on introducing characters old and new. But the horror elements of the series are ramped up in Silver Surfer: Ghost Light #2. It blends quiet, sinister moments and a pure creature feature. So much of the comic is surprising, but we’re still learning so much about it, so that is expected.
The cast of this series is still relatively new, but Jennings is beginning to show them off more. At the forefront are the two super characters. Al Harper rose from his grave in the previous chapter and instantly listed his history and powers. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a character be given so much depth and explanation in a single issue. The dialogue and exposition in this book may be too much at times, with multiple pages dedicated to backstory. But there is a part to this dialogue, particularly between Silver Surfer and Harper, that feels like a homage to classic cosmic tales, filling my heart with warmth. After his initial anger, Silver Surfer has returned to his friendly and kind personality. He seeks to help children that found Harper and will always strive to protect innocents. Then throughout this story is a tight-knit family unit that has been put through extreme trauma. But they’re extremely close, forming the cause for both hope and worries in the book.
The art continues to be both fascinating and brilliant. With more elements added to the story, De Landro can flex their muscles more. The lines on the Silver Surfer are superbly sculpted, presenting his facial expression and musculature and sometimes just showing his silhouette. Harper looks very similar to Simon Baz’s Green Lantern costume, but it works well with this style. It is like pieces are missing from him due to the different lines. The larger cosmic aspects of the older comics are brought back to Marvel and recreated terrifically. One figure, in particular, has not been seen in years, and the fact their look has not been changed at all is fantastic. Then there are some freaky designs at the end that look incredible under the pen of De Landro.
The colors are evocative and intense. A great balance exists between brilliant, intense light and shadows that look like they’re moving. It’s a fantastic example of this comic’s relationship with both sci-fi and horror. Anything around Harper has this radioactive green somewhere. There are gaps in the outline of Al when he wears his costume, and the green from the background and the energy around him joins with the same color that he wears. And that cool blue and the silver of Norrin Radd are purposefully out of place within these pages. The lettering is easy to read, necessary in a book with so much dialogue at points.
Silver Surfer: Ghost Light #2 is a book that feels classic but is not old-fashioned. So much of this issue seems to contain feelings and sentiments that occurred in horror films in the Cold War era. There’s fear and uncertainty about science and technology, but also about space and those that come from it. It’s a fantastic mix of the genres, putting Silver Surfer in a setting he’s not usually found in. The whole issue has loving homages and callbacks to stories in both comics and other mediums while generating a plot of its own, with a beautiful and distinctive art style that intensifies the unease that can be felt while reading.
Silver Surfer: Ghost Light #2 is available now wherever comics are sold.
Silver Surfer: Ghost Light #2
Silver Surfer: Ghost Light #2 is a book that feels classic but is not old-fashioned. So much of this issue seems to contain feelings and sentiments that occurred in horror films in the Cold War era.