With last week’s startling finale seeing Fushi being murdered over and over again by the Nokker in Kahaku’s arm, To Your Eternity Season 2 Episode 18 picks up right where last week left off. We see the recently returned March struggling to save Fushi, even as it seems far too late.
While last week’s ending was a brutal moment for this series, this week’s opening is easily as harsh. Seeing the lengths Kahaku goes to end the violence brought by the parasite in his arm would make for a hard watch under any circumstances, but how the visuals capture March as she witnesses the bloodshed at the moment turns the scene into one of true emotional horror. Its use of violence, blood, and trauma is excellently handled, crafting an impact scene that reaches far beyond the shock value of the moment.
Despite the nature and timing of her return, it is wonderful to see March truly returned to the series. Given that the show has repeatedly made it clear that the companions that Fushi can transform into have traveled with him in spirit, it makes sense that March isn’t exactly who she was when she passed away in season one. She is wiser and understands a good deal more than she did then, but the show manages to keep the core of her character intact.
Once the initial impact of To Your Eternity Season 2 Episode 18‘s opening fades away, the episode splits into two. While one half follows March as she attempts to find someone who can help her restore Fushi, the episode also follows several members of Renril’s beleaguered defense. With Fushi out of commission, walls are not repairing, ammo is no longer limitless, and the constant swarm of Nokkers is soon growing beyond the capacity for the city’s defenders to hold back. The frantic terror of the guard as the situation spirals out of control is expertly handled. Despite the fact that the villains are fantastical monsters that most closely resemble mobile brains, the series delivers what feels like a stark, realistic look at what the final moments of a doomed defense would feel like. The tension throughout these scenes is further elevated by the fact that no one feels like they have plot armor here. As has been the case throughout To Your Eternity, just because you have a name and a sub-plot built around, doesn’t mean you are safe.
As one would expect, the other major player in this week’s episode is Bon. Realizing something has gone wrong, he heads out to find Fushi and see if the city can yet be saved. Bon’s big moment here is difficult to judge. While I feel like I know what the show expects me to take from this scene, there are several elements to the plot and Bon’s character that doesn’t let me see it that way. It will be interesting to see how next week addresses Bon and his actions here.
To Your Eternity Season 2 Episode 18 hits hard and often. It demands sacrifices of its cast, without the safety of plot armor. It hurts to see all the pain that is on display throughout this episode, but hopefully, this agony will make what comes next all the more meaningful.
To Your Eternity Season 2 Episode 18 is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
To Your Eternity Season 2 Episode 18
To Your Eternity Season 2 Episode 18 hits hard and often. It demands sacrifices of its cast, without the safety of plot armor. It hurts to see all the pain that is on display throughout this episode, but hopefully, this agony will make what comes next all the more meaningful.