Tomo-chan Is A Girl! kicks off the new anime season with a youthful romantic comedy about a boyish girl and her dense childhood friend. The anime is an adaptation of the Japanese four-panel manga series of the same name, written and illustrated by Fumita Yanagida. Tomo-Chan Is A Girl Episode 1 is produced by Lay-duce, directed by Hitoshi Namba and Noriko Hashimoto, with Megumi Shimizu as head writer and character designer by Shiori Hiraiwa. Masaru Yokoyama does music composition. The voice cast consists of Rie Takahashi as Tomo Aizawa, Kaito Ishikawa as Junichiro Kubota, Rina Hidaka as Misuzu Gundo, and Sally Amaki as Carol Olston.
The series centers on tomboy Tomo Aizawa, who could not have picked a more awkward high school crush because she is in love with her childhood friend, Junichiro. Tomo and Junichiro have always been the closest friends and spend all their time together. But there is one small problem Junichiro only sees Tomo as one of the guys. Despite her pretty looks and signals, nothing gets through to his thick head. Now Tomo is more determined than ever to make Junichiro see and acknowledge her as a girl.
Tomo-chan Is A Girl Episode 1 opens like any other romantic comedy anime would begin with a love confession. After Tomo musters up the courage to tell her childhood friend that she loves her, he responds by saying he loves her too, as a friend. Tomo quickly realizes that Junichiro only sees her as a close friend instead of a girl, let alone a romantic interest. Dishearted after her confession, Tomo turns to her other long-time friend Misuzu for advice, and in turn, Misuzu suggests Tomo try to act more girly around Junichiro. Now more determined than ever, Tomo sets out to make Junichiro acknowledge her as a girl.
Right from the jump, the opening scene for Tomo-chan Is A Girl Episode 1 sets the tone for this to be like any other romantic comedy anime, but this show is anything but an ordinary rom-com. For example, the dynamic opening shots of the city are accompanied by emotionally stirring music and sakura flower petals blowing in the wind around our would-be couple. All of this screams youthful romance in the air. And just like that, the tone and mood of the scene change from potential romance to bromance. This scene does a great job of setting the show’s balance of romance and comedy. It also seamlessly sets up the relationship dynamic between our heroine, Tomo, and her crush, Junichiro.
I instantly fell with the Tomo-chan Is A Girl! manga series because it felt so different from other romantic comedies I had seen before. Although Tomo-chan Is A Girl relies on some classic tropes, it still manages to set itself apart from other romantic comedy series. For example, Tomo-chan Is A Girl delivers the childhood friends to lovers trope with a very different kind of romantic heroine.
Speaking of our heroine, Tomo is what makes this series for me. Tomo is so different from the typical love interest in a romance anime. If this was any other romance anime, Tomo might have been written as quickly as being the tomboyish sidekick to the main love interest. Rarely do we get to see girls like Tomo, who is sporty, competitive, strong, and desired, let alone as the main romantic interests in a series.
Additionally, Tomo has layers. Although she is a tough tomboy who can take care of herself, she still has a soft side. Furthermore, Tomo-chan Is A Girl! is not about Tomo completely changing herself to be girlier, but rather learning how to socialize and form relationships with her peers. Tomo yearns to be seen and acknowledged as a girl, not just by her crush but by other girls too. Unfortunately, her upbringing in her family dojo has led Tomo to lack some social skills in male and female relationships. It seems this will be one of the main focuses in the anime series as it was in the manga too,
Tomo-Chan Is A Girl Episode 1 is a fantastic addition to this new anime season. In short, if you have ever wanted a romantic comedy anime with a sporty tomboy girl as the main character, this is the anime for you. Episode 1 perfectly sets up the rom-com tone, story, and character relationship dynamics for the series in less than two minutes of the premiere. This show is not only about romance but also about connecting and finding acceptance amongst one’s peers. And although Tomo-chan Is A Girl leans into some classic romantic comedy tropes, it delivers the story with a unique heroine.
Tomo-chan Is A Girl streams exclusively every week on Crunchyroll.
Tomo-Chan Is A Girl Episode 1
Tomo-Chan Is A Girl Episode 1 is a fantastic addition to this new anime season! In short, if you have ever wanted a romantic comedy anime with a sporty tomboy girl as the main character, this is the anime for you. Episode 1 perfectly sets up the rom-com tone, story, and character relationship dynamics for the series in less than two minutes of the premiere.