Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury Episode 11 and 12 utterly shakes up the series, titled “The Witches from Earth” and “Keep Marching On Instead of Running Off.” Due to the machinations of Shaddiq Zenelli (Makoto Furukawa), the mercenary group Dawn of Fold infiltrates Plant Quetta, where Aerial is being held. Being mercenaries, they’re willing to kill anyone who gets in their way including Miorine Rembran (Lynn) and Suletta Mercury (Kana Ichinose). And as if that wasn’t bad enough, Suletta is struggling with the feeling that Miorine might not need her anymore.
The words “game changer” get thrown around a lot when it comes to television, but I think the term definitely applies to these two episodes. Not only does it mark a shift from “school anime featuring giant robots” to “espionage thriller featuring giant robots”, but it also marks a shift in the dynamic between the two leads. Miorine is forced to face the fact that her interactions with Suletta haven’t really been much more than a transactional experience. Suletta, on the other hand, is struggling with her feelings of self-worth – which leads her to make a shocking decision in “Keep Marching On Instead of Running Off.”
It all comes to a head as the two have an emotional conversation during the closing moments of “The Witches From Earth.” At first, this starts off funny, since Miorine is chasing Suletta around the space station. And due to the zero gravity, it’s a rather slow chase. But this eventually leads to what may be the series’ most emotional moment. Miorine lets loose with a speech about how Suletta is one of the most important people in her life. And in true Miorine fashion, she masks her true feelings behind a veil of annoyance and anger. It’s as close to a romantic confession as the series has gotten so far.
Both episodes are also great examples of building tension, especially “Keep Marching On Instead of Running Off.” I can’t count the number of times that I was at the edge of my seat, watching the Dawn of Fold members hunt down Miorine and her father. And they are not afraid to kill anyone who gets in their way. This brutality is reflected in their mobile suits: rather than the sleeker versions that have appeared in previous episodes, these mobile suits are massive and bulky while packing enough weaponry for ten armies.
But where the episodes shine is in the animation. Since these will be the last two episodes for a while, Sunrise put plenty of work into making sure each frame stands out. During Miorine’s confession, you can see Suletta’s face widen in shock. When Miorine is being hunted by the Dawn of Fold members and witnesses her father being shot, her eyes literally shake with horror. And the final shot of “Keep Marching On Instead of Running Off” has made the rounds on the internet – and for good reason. In an anime season packed with amazingly animated shows, The Witch From Mercury continues to be a standout.
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury Episode 11 and 12 let the revelations fly fast and furious as the entire series is turned on its head. The first half of the series has been a roller coaster, as we’ve gone from romance to high school hijinks and now corporate espionage. But it also makes for a unique anime experience, and I definitely recommend it to anyone who’s looking to get into the Gundam franchise or just loves giant robots.
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury is available to stream on Crunchyroll. New episodes premiere on Sundays.
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury Episodes 11 and 12
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury Episode 11 and 12 let the revelations fly fast and furious as the entire series is turned on its head. The first half of the series has been a roller coaster, as we’ve gone from romance to high school hijinks and now corporate espionage. But it also makes for a unique anime experience, and I definitely recommend it to anyone who’s looking to get into the Gundam franchise or just loves giant robots.