Harley Quinn 2022 Annual #1 is a special issue published by DC Comics, written by Stephanie Phillips, art by Simone Buonfantino and Georges Duarte, colours by Romulo Fajardo Jr, and letters by Andworld Design. There is a second issue titled “What happens in Vegas…” written by Phillips, art by David Baldeon, colours by Antonio Fabela, and letters by Andworld Design. In the final part of the Task Force XX story, the team goes hunting for the monster. But the creature has left and found a new place to cause chaos: Blackgate Penitentiary.
Having the final part of this long story be in an annual gives it an epic feel. The story starts with an explosive pace, straight after the last issue ends. There is a burst of violence and action before they find the true location, taking the group to a place where the scale of their mission is raised exponentially. There is nervousness as Deadbolt’s death in a previous issue means that not everyone is safe, and the closer some of the characters get, the more suspense grows. The final fight is satisfying and effective, but the ending does feel slightly abrupt. There are a lot of plot threads that aren’t wrapped up neatly, especially the direction many of the characters are heading from here. Phillips could use the survivors in the Harley Quinn comic going forwards, but it is a shame not to get complete closure.
Whilst their endings aren’t all superb, how most of the characters are utilised before that is excellent. Like in previous issues, Phillips is comfortable allowing someone other than Harley to have a hero moment. With the plan to defeat the monster not necessarily relying on her, it gives the other characters more of an identity and a presence in the comic. There is one figure who I believe has been underused in this series, as they aren’t given much of an arc or a thing to do at all. The villain is a Venom-esque monster, armed with a sadistic, bloodthirsty dialogue with a hint of humour that helps it fit this book. Whilst there are some characters that seem ignored or underused, others are finally given a chance to shine.
The art is fantastic. There are a lot more bodies than there usually are in a Harley comic, yet the artists deal with it expertly. Spreading the characters out grants them space and room to do their own thing, making the fights seem full. Last issue, the heroes were given upgrades to help them fight the monster. Now they look different when they fight, with Duarte and Buonfantino giving the finale variation. The swirling mass of the creature is haunting and unnerving. The ability it has to stretch over the entirety of the panel makes it invasive and unrelenting.
The colours are fantastic. This is a team filled with a variety of colours. Fajardo Jr. is also great at changing the tones to fit specific lighting, always aware of changes in the situation. Part of that change comes from the upgrades, where electricity and energy are thrown into the mix. With pink, yellow, and blue illuminating the darkness, there is a brilliant understanding of what that does to similar shades. The lettering has been consistently great this arc, but the word balloon for the monster may be too dark, jaggedy, and small in font to read cleanly.
There is a second story included that shifts the focus and moves the plot of the whole series, as Harley goes on a vacation in Las Vegas. Kevin makes a return, and it feels like a semblance of normality after the cosmic horror shenanigans. Baldeon is a phenomenal artist and gives Harley a redesign of his own. It’s a great adaptation as the trademark red and black are maintained by the colourist. It is also fascinating to see a newer character like Kevin drawn by other artists, as it is interesting to see his unique shape in other styles.
Harley Quinn 2022 Annual #1 is a thrilling finale to a long arc. It may not be completely conclusive for many of the characters, but the last battle is magnificently lively and chaotic. Not one character has remained the focal point, and it has been a fusion of horror movie homages with the specific personalities that only Phillips could bring. This aside is important with the change in artists on the main series, like a palette cleanser, before we are thrown back into something new.
Harley Quinn 2022 Annual #1 is available where comics are sold.
Harley Quinn 2022 Annual #1
Harley Quinn 2022 Annual #1 is a thrilling finale to a long arc. It may not be completely conclusive for many of the characters, but the last battle is magnificently lively and chaotic. Not one character has remained the focal point, and it has been a fusion of horror movie homages with the specific personalities that only Phillips could bring. This aside is important with the change in artists on the main series, like a palette cleanser, before we are thrown back into something new.