The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting is a slice-of-life anime produced by Gaina and feel. Having resolved to visit her mom in the hospital, Yaeka makes the trip with her father and Kirishima. But while there, a chance meeting with an old friend reminds Kirishima of who he used to be. Also, The Family may be getting its newest member in The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting Episode 3.
This week’s episode opens by hitting the viewer with an extra-strong dose of feels. Seeing Yaeka struggle with visiting her mom in her non-responsive state and watching her apologize for her previous comments concerning her was a lovely, tear-inducing moment. The sincerity that the show imbues this moment with makes it impossible not to find oneself sympathetic toward the Little Lady.
Taking a moment to let Yaeka find something to eat, The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting Episode 3 sees her and Kirishima head to the hospital’s store to acquire a snack for the girl. On their way, they stumble into someone who used to be part of The Family but has since parted company with them to pursue his own life.
This scene’s primary focus is to flesh out the background of Kirishima and The Boss. Learning more about these characters prior to the story’s beginning helps the full image of who they are take shape. It delivers more rosy feelings and continues to make the cast of the series a group that is truly endearing to the viewer.
While Kirishima and Yaeka are away, the show also spends a bit of time with The Boss as he sits by his wife’s side and remembers his times with her when Yaeka was still just a baby. These flashbacks would be warm and sweet if they weren’t so heartbreaking. While the viewer feels for the man’s loss, even more poignant is the realization of what Yaeka may never get to know.
The back half of The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting Episode 3 sees Kirishima and Yaeka come across a kitten that has been abandoned in an alleyway. Taking pity on the creature, Yaeka decides to take it home and care for it.
The sweetness of Yaeka’s interactions with her new pet, along with a bit of unintended mischief that is caused by the furry feline, serve as a sweethearted lift to leave the viewer on after the emotional struggles of the hospital visit. It’s a fun sequence that continues to build up the lives of those in the family through the interactions caused by the new kitten.
The animation throughout this episode conveys all the sweetness and pain of its narrative wonderfully. It puts the emotions of the characters front and center to be felt while also delivering on the happy moments that break up the sadness with just as much skill.
When all is said and done, The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting Episode 3 brings viewers a narrative that will leave them wiping tears from their eyes, even as they occasionally mix these tears with laughter.
The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting Episode 3 is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting Episode 3
The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting Episode 3 brings viewers a narrative that will leave them wiping tears from their eyes, even as they occasionally mix these tears with laughter.